Young Kim calls for revoking the CCP’s most favored nation status, echoing Miles Guo’s words in 2019

1 year ago

5/24/2023 Congresswoman Young Kim recently called for the revocation of Communist China's most favored nation status to stop the CCP from gaming the system. In fact, Mr. Miles Guo, the founder of the New Federal State of China, had already said in 2019 that Communist China's most favored nation status would inevitably be revoked.
#MilesGuo #MFN #MostFavoredNation #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/24/2023 美国众议院金映玉女士在最近的采访中呼吁取消中共国的最惠国待遇,不能让中共钻制度的控子!而新中国联邦的创始人郭文贵先生早2019年就说过,中共国的最惠国待遇必将被取消!
#郭文贵 #最惠国待遇 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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