26May23 W/ Captions Debates Will Not Be Televised, But They've Already Started on Social Media

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

"The revolution will not be televised" and neither will the debates since this year Trump and Biden don't want to debate issues.  But the debate has already begun on social media with some pretty hard-hitting jabs taken
DeSantis: "Trump destroyed the lives of millions of people" — and he's only talking lockdown, not the Warp Speed injections (3:09)
LinkedIn purges presidential candidate Ramaswamy for exposing Climate MacGuffin lies (7:48)
Wondering where Tim Scott is on issues? Count him in on CBDC as he's previously joined with Elizabeth Warren to oppose crypto (13:50)
Trump cheerleader, Darren Beattie, Revolver, applauds Trump for joining ballot-harvesting corruption instead of reform and transparency.  Do we want honest government or "may the best criminal WIN!" government? (19:20)
Trump says "even Cuomo did better than DeSantis" with Covid deaths.  Do stats support that?  Does Trump REALLY want to run on his 2020 plandemic record? (26:06)
Trump supports Disney over Parental Rights that he characterizes as "sanctimonious".  Is that a winning strategy?  Target just lost $9B in stock value doing that (29:12)
Thomas Massie, the only Congressman who opposed Trump's $4T test run of UBI, says Trump can't run against inflation and neither can the GOP with him at the top (31:42)
LISTENER COMMENTS Listener asks: Why cover elections when they're hopelessly corrupt?  My answer has to do with where our hope, our target, our foundation for our country lies and who will lay it? (48:10)
Two New SCOTUS decisions — Victory for citizens over rapacious government, both EPA and local government (52:44)
INTERVIEW Pushing Back Against WHO Plan for Global Control James Roguski, jamesroguski.substack.com The massive bureaucracy of the WHO, World Health Organization, is pumping out rules worthy of Orwell or Kaufka.  James looks at single article as an example but most importantly — HOW YOU CAN PUSH BACK against this at SilenceEqualsConsent.com and ExitTheWHO.com (1:01:44)
Italian central banker says to achieve Net Zero, historical buildings must be torn down.   Do you see what's happening yet?  (1:32:59)
Shostakovich 2.0 — Just like the persecution of Shostakovich by the cancel mob in Stalin's regime, Marxist political correctness has taken out a musician and professor in academia who used to live by it.  Now she's died by it. (1:39:20)
EU will fund theft of Netherlands farms — for an average "compensation" of 500,000 euros each (1:45:59)
Elon Musk is an evangelist for Pharmakeia hallucinogenic drugs used in a spiritual sense. (2:02:47)
Death by Drug Overdose in PRISONS is Exploding If they can't stop it by law enforcement, even in prison, what kind of prison society are WE building on the outside — that will FAIL.  But one sheriff found the answer and it had nothing to do with law enforcement.  (2:05:46)
INTERVIEW Pistol Braces & Stopping Fed Overreach at State Level State Senator Frank Niceley on
• TN-3 insurrection and whether it will be repeated in the Special Session
• State measures to protect the people from Fed Reserve financial contagion
• nullification of federal bureaucratic overreach
ATF hopes to make millions of gun owners into felons by their "rule" banning pistol braces.  The Tennessee legislature has already moved to protect gun owners from pistol brace felonies.  But will Gov Lee (R) successfully twist arms to get gun control in a Special Session he's called for August?

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