Miles Guo’s Whistleblowing Inspires His Followers To Speak Out Against the CCP

1 year ago

05/24/2023 Nicole on One America News: Having felt the pain of the Chinese people enslaved by the CCP, Mr. Miles Guo came to the U.S. and started the Whistleblower Movement in 2017 to expose the dirty secrets between the CCP and the American elites, which made him the enemy of the unity party and landed him behind bars, but his whistleblowing on the CCP has inspired his followers to speak out against the injustice done to him and the CCP infiltration in the U.S.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/24/2023 妮可接受同一个美国新闻网采访:由于对中共国人民被中共奴役的的痛苦感同身受,郭文贵先生2017年来到美国,发起爆料革命,揭露中共与美国精英之间的肮脏勾当,这使他成为了中共利益共同体的敌人,最终身陷囹圄,但他对中共罪恶的揭露激励了他的追随者为反对他所受到的冤屈和中共对美国的渗透而奋力发声。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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