"Save The Children" with Pamela Olson

1 year ago

All of my law colleagues and my research across America and the world have uncovered this Ponzi scheme whereby the Holy See is involved in CHILD TRAFFICKING world wide whereby the Holy See which is the Vatican's government, is making commodities of Our babies, and "Trafficking/$elling" them through these unconstitutional courts and civil law courts.
America is not a Civil Law Nation, We are a common law Confederation of several states, all 33.
The Holy See which runs the Department of State in the United States
See: Article 1 section 8 clause 17: not exceeding ten miles square.
The Holy See has been perpetrating fraud upon the American People since the installation of the Civil Law which was instilled after the Civil War, whereby the STATE OF STATES were incorporated & created by this "Holy See" criminal cartel, using The American BAR Association to implement this Communism upon the American People. See: Article 1 section 10 clause 1: The State shall make nothing but silver and gold as tender and payment of debt!
All of these foreign actors in these Courts which are operating Administrative Hearings across America have colluded and conspired to deprive the wo/men & children's Rights. Are domestic terrorist$ for profit in these Ponzi schemes that the Civil Law /Admiralty Courts
run by the Vatican/Pope, who is engaged in $elling Our babies through worldwide Fidelity markets which are engaged in securities fraud.
See : https://avor.link/documents-section-3/

Both of my daughters were found alive and claimed under my covenant on and for the record.
All prior to the current man acting as Judge for my daughters' frivolous "ARIZONA DEPARTMENT of CHILD SAFETY aka : DCS" cases. Todd Lang, man acting as Judge for the Maricopa County Juvenile Courts, who intends to $ell my Dine' Nation daughters into the Foster Care system, illegally & unlawfully.
Todd Lang nor Paul/Sheriff, will go unscathed for doing so.
I have taken many precautionary steps to prevent anything like this from ever happening as you can see form the Arizona Documents section of my Internationally Published Website :

As demonstrated within this case file it is easy to see that Jay Adleman, man acting as Judge for the Maricopa County Superior Court, and Todd Lang, man acting for Juvenile Court- of no record
(no court of record so that when these children go missing they can't be tracked or traced)do, did, and does commit acts of war against children,
c/f 18 USC 1091= Genocide.

Join us in exposing this corruption.
A thousand man march is being called to form at the Maricopa County Superior Courthouse to free my 10 & 8 year-old-daughters: Mahala & Marianna, who are being held against their will as prisoners of war!
This Maricopa County Superior Court and Maricopa County Juvenile Court, is currently engaged in war crimes against children and CHILD TRAFFICKING, insured by Lloyds of London!

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