Congress Challenges at FBI and Biden-Burisma Corruption

1 year ago

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer JUST subpoenaed the FBI, demanding it turn over a document that allegedly implicates Biden in a criminal scheme – or face contempt of Congress.
It is getting tiresome to be constantly reporting on the latest updates in the ongoing saga of Hunter Biden. But the problem is they keep on coming. And when the report alleges that the President of the United States may have taken or at least been involved in a multi-million dollar bribery scheme, at the very least, it has to be discussed.
Comer alleges that President Biden was at the very least directly involved in a $5 million bribery scheme when he was V.P. to end the investigation into the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, the same company that gave the President’s son Hunter Biden a seat on its board of directors. Rep. Comer says the Deep State FBI has a file in its possession that will prove it, but of course, the FBI is doing all it can to hang on to said “receipts” of the bribe, and he has threatened the FBI with a contempt charge if it does not produce the document.
The Deep State and the mainstream media have repeatedly rushed to defend and cover for Joe Biden whenever charges of bribery and corruption, specifically involving his son Hunter and Burisma, come to light. They’ve repeatedly tried to gaslight conservatives in the media, labeling any Biden accusers as paranoid or vengeful conservatives.

One thing is certain – if a Member of Congress ever accused President Trump of being part of a $5 million bribery debacle, it would be front-page news, Biden would address it in a press conference and cast all manner of aspersions on Trump, and there’d probably be a Special Counsel assigned before lunch. Something tells me the White House won’t be so proactive on this one.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of this bombshell, the latest in a series of Biden revelations. We’re also joined by Sekulow analyst and former Representative Tulsi Gabbard, as well as by ACLJ Senior Counsel and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

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