Memorial Weekend 2023 elephant butte lake, NM

1 year ago

Have a fantastic weekend. Be safe. NM troopers in full effect. Don’t Dwi or Bwi. Be smart. Don’t get dead. Take time to enjoy the view. Tip your bartender or waiter or dock hand, thanks them for their service along with all military personnel and families of injured and falling troops and those still down range. What a beautiful thurs. thanks god. And please please talk with your friends and family this weekend on the desperate state of this country. Failing woke public school system. The banking system imminent collapse. What a disgrace the top leaders of our military are. Buy gold and silver. Port your ira or pension over or at least half of it. Rather be 1-5-100-1000 days early than 1 day late. If on meds. Get a year supply. Get Solar. Get food and clean water backups. Prepare for massive false flags and fireworks between now and 11/2024.

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