Deluxe Profiterols

1 year ago

Good morning ♥️
It's been a loooong time!
These weeks between studying for an exam, work, planting of our veggies and chores, I couldnt find a minute to bake.
Still not done with the planting nor the exam but I really needed to "procrastibake" 🙃
And I find the best way to do that is chocolate🍫 I mean... who doesn't need chocolate during the busy days?
That's why in this post you'll find my Chocolatey Deluxe Profiteroles
I call them Deluxe since I use one of Lindt's Deluxe chocolates that is hhheeeaaaven.
Wouldn't you love to have these and enjoy them right off the fridge to cool off in the hot days about to come? 😌

For 15 profiteroles

For the vanilla pudding
500ml Milk
100gr Sugar
2 Egg Yolks
50gr Corn Flour
Vanilla Paste

In a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks with half the sugar.
Add 50ml of milk, vanilla paste and corn flour and  mix well.
In a pot boil the rest of the milk and sugar.
Remove from heat and pour a little of it into the bowl with the eggs while whisking so that the eggs don't cook. Pour some more milk while whisking and continue until almost all milk is added.
Pour back into the saucepan, return to the heat and whisk until the pudding thickens.
Transfer in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap touching the surface and cool in the fridge or ice bath.

For the chocolate pudding:
1350gr milk
500gr sugar

130gr chocolate of choice (preferably half dark half milk)
600gr sugar
180gr cornflour
100gr cocoa powder
1350gr milk
3gr Vanilla Paste
100gr butter

In a bowl mix the cornflour with 350g of milk and vanilla paste and set aside.
Boil the rest 1lt of the milk in a pot with the sugar and cocoa, stirring constantly.
Add the corn flour mix, whisking until it thickens (~20 minutes)
Remove from heat, add the butter and chocolate and whisk until they melt. Cover with plastic wrap on surface and let it cool in the fridge.

The rest of the recipe on my Instagram profile @thetangzhongmethod

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