The National Toxicology Program and Fluoride Neurotoxicity.

1 year ago

The National Toxicology Program and Fluoride Neurotoxicity.

In 1945, the United States public health service division of dental public health produced a video extolling the virtues of water fluoridation. It stated: "Dentists in many cities are helping to bring the benefits of fluoridation to children. Now our children can have better health through fluoridated water."

But after 78 years of being told that fluoride in our water supply is a health benefit for us, science has proven that is not true. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite - fluoride in our water supply actually causes neurological damage.

The National Toxicology Program, a division of Health and Human Services, recently released a draft report: “Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Health Effects”.

Their report, which analyzed 52 peer reviewed studies from around the world, found that ingesting fluoride was linked to brain impairment in babies. The studies also found attention deficit disorders and lower IQ’s in infants born to mothers who drank fluoridated water during pregnancy and in babies fed formulas mixed with fluoridated tap water.

Although pro-fluoridationists have tried to downplay this report, even going so far as to erroneously claim that all the studies have been “debunked”, the NTP has stated that they only reviewed high quality studies that carried out precise scientific methodologies with controls and accounted for all variables.

According to the Fluoride Action Network, the lead plaintiff currently involved in a landmark fluoridation court case against the EPA, the NTP document is the most peer-reviewed and scientifically scrutinized NTP report in history.

It's disappointing that the release of this report, is being blocked by HHS and other government agencies who promote water fluoridation, and was only released after a court issued subpoena.

Internal CDC emails discovered through Freedom Of Information Act Requests by FAN indicated that the publication of the final NTP report was blocked at the last second due to interference from the Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine.

One email from the CDC’s Oral Health Director from June 3rd, 2022 stated, “ASH Levine has put the report on hold until further notice.”

The release of this report and its findings are a huge win for the health of all individuals unnecessarily exposed to fluoride and those who advocate against the dangerous practice of water fluoridation as it puts us one step closer to ending the use of forced medication in our drinking water.

And for those wondering if they can prevent cavities without the risks of fluoride, don't forget, nothing beats good oral hygiene – floss and brush your teeth daily, eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of vegetables, good fats and ample protein and of course reduce sugar consumption.

To find a fluoride-free dentist and for more information go to

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