Ever Heard of Petrodollars?

1 year ago

"Why they may in fact be the real cause of the wars we've seen in the last 30 years and not what we are being told! 🤔
Yesterday I came across a very interesting trailer on a book entitled "The Colder War" by Marin Katusa (which was published 7 years ago in 2014!) that breaks down the why behind all the seeming aggression by the USA against regimes like Ghadaffi and Saddam Hussein.
Yes both were dictators and the latter had some terrible human rights atrocities against him (gassing the Kurds), but was he worse than others we know?
Well, these petrodollars are the bigger deal at play. And in four minutes, you'll get the gist of why the establishment must protect this status quo at all costs and if it means going to war with Russia, then this may be it!
This video gives some serious food for thought!
PS: Just don't buy wholesale anything you see on mainstream media. That's my advice and hence why I am neutral.
I mean, here is a book and documentary from 7 years ago that pretty much nails it and explains where we are today.
Though the video is too short to state it, the Petrodollar is a brainchild of the Council on Foreign Relations - a very powerful shadow organization that ensures it protects the interests of the USA when it comes to ensuring it's dominance as a world superpower.
As such, I'd rather wait and see. Time always brings out the truth when it no longer matters.
The truth is always the first casualty of war, and I am of the view that there is a lot of information that both sides of this Russia Ukraine war aren't letting out 🤔" - Rev. Walter Mwambazi.

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