Brazilian military/Police are prostitutes of US military/agents/marines

1 year ago

if you wonder what speciality do the brazilian military and police have, who are from masonic and church sects, then here is your answer:
1) home invasions
2) property damage, misplacement
3) bugs/insect installations
4) chemical sprayings
6 years of the clowns nonstop attempts and they never get tired
you can see here how they placed drugged flies behind my door that stagger around and fall but can't fly LOL
the purpose of these little things?
to stress for remote neural monitoring brain to computer interface hook up as with each stress point they get access to the brain frequency emissions

Most targets lose their cool and make mistakes that really fill their criteria of labellings as their prostitutes in psychology and psychiatry are ready to step up and do the task

They always placed these dirt flies inside my washing machine so i had to tape the spaces they still lift them up and push them inside

imagine the brazilian kinda flies that drags hard tape and lift it up and then fly all the way deep inside hahahaahahah

sulclean security company is run by US ex nypd pedo who hires corrupt brazilian police and military fired from their jobs for corruptions

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