Killstream - Jim on TRR with DandyAndy and WildGoose [ With Timestamps [ 2018-08-14 ]

1 year ago

#Mistermetokur #ArchivingChudbuds #Killstream
Note: Timestamps are lower down, and in the pinned comment. Enjoy!
I'm trying to build an Archive with all of Jim's Videos and Streams. Allso the streams where Jim was a guest on.
By: Mister Metokur , Andy Warski , Ethan Ralph , WildGoose
From: 2018-08-14
I Really hope you recover and get better Jim
Thank You for Watching! âš¡âš¡
This Video is for educational and scientific purposes.
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00:00:00 - Show Starts/On C4nd1d and HarmfullOpinions

00:05:00 - Sceptics and Sponsorship

00:09:40 - Internet Cens0rship and The Government

00:14:40 - Jims old Video on The Internet in Retrospect

00:24:00 - Rule 34

00:30:00 - On Godwinson and Others

00:32:00 - HarmfullOpinions IRL Streams

00:35:00 - Zo3Quinn

00:40:05 - DandyAndy Comes In

00:45:00 - NipsOnFire

00:48:40 - Jims Reported Videos

00:58:00 - Dandys Thoughts

01:02:00 - The Rock Collector (PROOF)

01:08:00 - Gay4Jim and Where it goes from Here

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