Historical Catholic Church Set on Fire by Arson - Maryland Parents Sue School Board for Grooming

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Date – Friday, May 26th - 2023 – St. Phillip Neri

St. Philip Neri, celebrated on May 26, was born into a noble but impoverished family in Florence. He dedicated his youth to apostolic works and founded a society in Rome to care for the sick and poor pilgrims. In 1551, he became a priest and established the Congregation of the Oratory, a group of priests devoted to preaching and teaching. St. Philip Neri possessed mystical gifts such as prophecy and discernment of spirits, allowing him to read the souls of penitents and spend hours hearing confessions.

St. Philip Neri was deeply troubled by the religious crisis and the spread of Protestantism, particularly by the "Magdeburg Centuries," a work of propaganda filled with historical falsifications aimed at discrediting the Catholic Church. In response, he commissioned Cesar Baronius, a fellow Oratorian, to write a comprehensive history of the Church from the time of Jesus Christ until his own era. Baronius initially hesitated but ultimately spent close to 30 years completing the work, known as the "Ecclesiastical Annals." It effectively countered the falsehoods of the "Magdeburg Centuries" and contributed to stemming the tide of Protestantism in Europe. The Ecclesiastical Annals reaffirmed the Catholic Church as the pillar of truth.

St. Philip Neri's concern for the Church as a whole and his determination to defend her from attacks demonstrate his universal Catholic sense. He recognized the historical fabrications employed by heretics to undermine the Church's credibility, a tactic reminiscent of the Pharisees who produced false witnesses against Jesus. St. Philip Neri's counter-attack involved producing a monumental work of erudition that presented the indisputable reality of historical facts. This approach, exemplified by the Ecclesiastical Annals and later by Fr. Cornelius a Lapide's Commentaries on the Sacred Scriptures, aimed to refute Protestant interpretations and restore piety and scholarly accuracy.

Let us seek St. Philip Neri's intercession to empower us in our counter-revolutionary efforts against the enemies of the Church. May we, like him, contribute to the complete destruction of the Revolution and the establishment of the Reign of Mary over its ruins.

St. Phillip Neri, Pray for us.

INTRO – Happy Friday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

Alleluia. The Lord Christ hath ascended up into heaven. * O come let us worship Him. Alleluia.

And – at 15 past the hour, Historical Catholic Church Set on Fire by Arson | Six Maryland Parents Sue School Board For Forcing Kids To Read ‘Pride’ Books | George Washington University Announces New Moniker After Woke Student Pressure
Also – at 30 past the hour, Men’s March Jim Havens

If we have time we will also talk about an Open Letter to confused seminarians

Plus – in the next hour, Allen Smith with Bishop Sheen Today will be on to discuss the virtues

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

Sub Tuum Praesidium
Sub tuum praesidium confugimus,
Sancta Dei Genetrix.
Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus,
sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta.

We fly to thy protection,
O holy Mother of God.
Despise not our petitions in our necessities,
but deliver us always from all dangers,
O glorious and blessed Virgin.

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The Gospel of the Day – Jn 16,29-33

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