The truth is that oil is actually the second-most prevalent liquid on earth next to water..

1 year ago

Every time you hear the term 'fossil fuel' on the TV, radio, news etc, you're being lied to.. In 1892, at the Geneva Convention, the smartest man in the oil industry J.D. Rockefeller paid scientists to call oil a 'fossil fuel' to induce the idea of scarcity, in order to set a 'world price for oil'. The truth is that oil is actually the second-most prevalent liquid on earth next to water, and regenerates within the earth faster than it can ever be deleted... so is very cheap.. and Fuel was free once but for Rothschild and the globalist vehicle BlackRock.. Electric can be free too.. but the agenda is all about control over humanity.. the financial 'master and slave' relationship. The social credit system of knowing everything about you and your life and to make sure you 'behave'....

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