ARCHIVE: 'Secret payments' to deport migrants & British towns' corporate takeover (EP 85)

1 year ago

FIRST AIRED: 04/06/2014.

Afshin Rattansi goes underground on revelations that the Home Office has been making secret payments to embassies around the world to obtain passports for deportees. Jeremy Corbyn MP says the amount of taxpayer cash could be huge, and he's demanding answers in parliament. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have wound up costing us £30 billion -- but is the number much bigger because of the hidden costs of conflict? Despite the low turnout in the local and European elections, party donors are gearing up for 2015 -- we count down a few of the biggest spenders. Is the UK losing its character to one big multinational corporate takeover? Alex Proud, owner of Proud Galleries, says it's time for small businesses to get their power back. Plus, if want faster broadband, there might be a simple solution -- just move to the moon!

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