Am I a soy boy or why I like tofu & Toyota Prius

1 year ago

Years ago I was a big fan of the Toyota Prius. I thought it would be great for camping. When I found out you could sleep in it at night and the engine would come on and turn on the air conditioning I fell in love with the Toyota Prius. When I learned it was the most reliable of cars year after year and one of the longest lasting and got great gas mileage, I liked it even more. However, most of my friends had a very negative view of the Toyota Prius. I felt this negative viewpoint was undeserved. Sure, some of the drivers of the car were unpleasant individuals, but the car was excellent.
The reason I'm making this point is I feel the same way about tofu and soy products. We may be having some difficult economic times shortly. If we do I think it will be a shame so many people overlook the benefits they could be getting from learning how to eat and prepare soy products.
Soy is just a bean. An excellent bean. Initially, I did not like tofu or soy products. But after learning how to cook soy it's not bad.
Many people don't like the taste of soy and tofu, but I grew up eating fried bologna sandwiches on white bread with mustard. There's nothing wrong with tofu. The protein you get from tofu is not as high quality as eggs or meat or fish but it is still an excellent low-cost protein.
One thing I forgot to mention in the video was that when I cook my tofu. I coated it with cornmeal.
I will do a separate video in the future on how I cook and grill my tofu.
I hope you give both the Toyota Prius and soybeans and tofu a second look. I also hope you start looking at other things in your life you could benefit from by looking at them differently instead of being swayed by other people. Make up your own mind. Gather your own facts.
I know I'm going to get a lot of replies stating that they prefer so many other foods over tofu are so many other cars that are better than Toyota Prius etc. They will compare apples to oranges.
I'm not saying tofu and soy are better than anything, I'm saying it's not some terrible awful dangerous food. It's very inexpensive and good for you. And as far as a Toyota Prius I know many cars look better and have better driving and handling characteristics etc. and so on. But, year after year the Toyota Prius is near the top of the list for the most reliable, dependable car. And I don't know too many other cars I would want to camp in South Florida in the summertime.
If you ever have to end up sleeping in your car it will be hard to find a better one than the Toyota Prius. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
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