Genesis 2.0 - Waves in the Ocean of Mind

1 year ago

A hermetic Theory of Everything:
Philosophers Stone:
Udumbara (Buddhism):
universal resurrection:
Brain Cell Dish:
Neuron time lapse video:
Sunrise Video:
Pi Movie:

Memories are like echoes that re-light past patterns and structures in the brain. Thoughts are like waves that move through structures that have built up in the past or are building and structuring out of itself at the moment of thinking. Sometimes I observe myself thinking and can see how my memories associate from one pattern to another pattern. I look at my bicycle and the pattern that emerges from the observation is similar to a pattern that emerged in a past observation. The structure of the past observation then associates with something someone said near the time when that structure was building up in the mind. So I associate from the pattern of the current observation to a similar past structure. All events that have happened have been reflected as patterns and have written themselves as structures in the memory of the brain, because neurons have linked up when they observed the event. Parts of the connections and bridges have remained. Memories are echoes that appear when electrical impulses move through structures that were formed in the past. Just as sound waves move through vaults. The sound waves are like the energetic impulses. The chaos. The vault is like the logical structures that have been built The Order. If I think too much about thinking, everything transmutes into non physical structures and waves that move through it. Our mind is like a time travel machine through which we can travel into the past. Not literally, but we look at the echoes of past reaction chains that have structured in the brain. This is what distinguishes a higher developed brain, like that of a human, from a lower one, like that of a bug. If algorithms are very simple, then they have no place to re-light past patterns so that they can take place again. Simple algorithms are also limited in their ability to look into the future through logical reasoning. If consciousness develops higher and higher from a unicellular organism, the frame of perception of time grows, too. The past and future can then be seen. By memories or logical conclusions. I say at the end of my polished Theory of Everything that we are moving towards an event. A knot point in the evolution of conscious life. The birth of a new species. A Genesis 2.0. The second Genesis is different from the first. In Genesis 1.0, it is a sin to eat the apple because life then falls into duality and moves away from God and natural metaphysical unity. In Genesis 2.0, it is a sin not to eat the apple because otherwise life remains in duality and does not find its way back to God. According to Wikipedia, the formula of the philosopher's stone can be traced back not only to Plato, but also to Adam in Genesis. There is also the quote "the first matter of the stone is the very same with the first matter of all things." The concepts of the stone can also be found on the national flag of South Korea, which in my subjective evaluation is the best national flag. Four alchemical elements and the two essences of polarity. 42. I heard that in Kabbalism there are two trees. One has a divine fruit which causes a spiritual rise, the other has a rotten fruit which causes a spiritual downfall. That fits well to my Theory of Everything. The masses eat the rotten fruit of the false tree & inverted metaphysics. Thats why we decay. In the religions this archetypal and rational event is already described. In Buddhism, there one compares this event with the udumbara flower. It is said that this event is so rare that it happens only once every 3000 years. Everything points to this one moment, but only few are lucky enough to realize so early what is happening and what will happen. It is about highly rational events that were mystified because they were not understood. The prophecies in the religions that could be made thousands of years ago are not based on mystical things, but on rational predictions that can be understood if one understands that conditions produce morality and morality changes conditions, which then changes morality again, up to this one point of a collective awakening. The resurrection of the dead. Unconscious minds then become aware of their own nature. The NPC becomes a player character. All the undead are simultaneously brought to the realization of eternal life. The door back to Eden is so wide open that it's hard to miss.

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