Article Video - The Military Fraud - Tuesday, May 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Military Fraud - Tuesday, May 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

Most people on this planet are familiar with Mahatma Gandhi and the struggle of the Indian people to liberate their country from the ravages of the British Raj. Most people cheered the return of natural self-governance to the Indian Subcontinent and the removal of the brutal bureaucratic and social oppression of the British Territorial Forces that violently commandeered the Indian economy, subjugated its people, and actively sought to destroy its culture.

Yet the same exact things have been done to America and the rest of the Commonwealth and all of Occupied Europe and numerous other countries "conquered" by Territorial Forces since the Second World War.

We may be the Bearers of these Bad Tidings, but we are certainly not the cause of them. That fault lies with the British Monarch, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, and the Office of the Pope, all of which owe us "good faith service" instead of what we have received.

Begin with the fact that the words "Commonwealth" and "Territory" have become synonymous, with the only appreciable difference being that the Commonwealth stands for peacetime and that the "Territory" is a wartime fabrication overlaying the Commonwealth.

Thus, they fly different flags, but refer to the same land and impact the same people. The Commonwealth is administered by a lawful civilian government under a constitutional framework, while the Territory is administered by a military government operated as a Municipal Corporation under the presumptions of wartime.

The civilian Commonwealth government is run by the people of the country for the good of their country, while the military Territorial government is an oppressive foreign commercial corporation in the business of subjugation and asset-stripping for the good of "the Empire"-- whatever that means in current parlance.

It used to mean the Holy Roman Empire and has now been converted to mean the Empire of the Cities --- Rome, London, Washington, DC, the UN enclave, and Vatican City, etc. These foreign enclaves existing as "independent, international city states" operating inside the borders of other countries have sought to commercialize the entire world under a single oppressive bureaucratic state promoting a form of Corporate Feudalism. worse than anything experienced under the British Raj in India.

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