POLL: 40% of Democrats not backing Biden in primary

1 year ago

According to a recent CNN poll conducted by SSRS, President Joe Biden begins his campaign for a second term with a substantial advantage over his declared opponents for the Democratic nomination.

However, he faces challenges among the general public, with declining favorability ratings and a widespread belief that his reelection would have more negative than positive implications for the country.

Only a third of Americans perceive Biden’s victory in 2024 as a step forward or a triumph for the nation (33%).

The poll also indicates a decrease in favorable views of Biden over the past six months, dropping from 42% in December to 35% currently.

CNN Poll: Biden has a lead over Democratic primary challengers, but faces headwinds overall
READ MORE: https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/25/politics/cnn-poll-democrats-2024/index.html

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