Jesus Revolution

1 year ago

The WatchWell Podcast is a Christian movie review podcast. If you are interested in
Bible-based movie reviews and how to use Christian apologetics in films consider subscribing.
Listen to Parker and Nik (hosts) as the deliver movie analysis from a Christian perspective to create Christian film discussions and Bible teachings in movies.
This Faith-based movie analysis brings the Christian worldview in secular movies to the forefront while offering Christian movie recommendations to aid ministry leaders and parents in learning, teaching and mentoring christian apologetics to be able to give an account for the Christian faith.

Nik (56:22.456)
Yep. And so, if you're that person, you feel like you're constantly faced with the insufficiency, the void left after you've done a good thing. You have to run out and try to earn your favor again. You have to run out and try to earn some type of praise again. So, just like the druggy chasing the next high, you're doing that through your pursuit of your own good works and earning your own praise by doing good things. And the high never lasts.

Nik (56:52.556)
it always ends and goes away and leaves a void where you have to, again, chase after something. And Jesus says that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but through Him. And then Romans 10 9 says, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. And then Romans 10 13, will be saved. And so, when you're confronted with this truth, now, as you listen to this podcast, is your time to make a decision. Now is the time to decide. And it might not be your last opportunity. You might say, no, I don't want that. And then later in life, there's another opportunity. But it could be your last opportunity. Right now is the time to make a decision. And our pastor always says, to not make a decision is to make a decision. to not make a decision is to make a decision. So don't try to get cleaned up. Don't try to chase another high or go on relying on how good you are. Jesus went to the cross as an innocent man. He wasn't put there for his own sin, but yours. Trust in what he has done. That peace and acceptance and love is what you are searching for. It's right there in Christ. Just respond in belief.

Parker Brown (58:24.718)
That's good stuff. That's great. So now I want to talk to our regular people who watch the podcast, listen to the podcast. If you're listening to this, the biggest thing that you can do to help us right now is to share it. We want to reach more people with the same message that Nick just gave. And liking the podcast is just a vanity metric. And I don't mean to be super harsh, but liking the podcast is great. We appreciate it, but it does nothing to reach new people.

Parker Brown (58:54.978)
So if you do like the podcast, if you value the content that we're creating and it's helpful, allows you to think through the lens of truth in life and using art to go and introduce new people to Jesus, please share it and get more people to watch it so that we can ultimately reach more viewership and make a bigger difference and impact.

Parker Brown (59:23.158)
kind of convicting you to do that. Please, please do that. If you want to take that a step further, we do have a Patreon page. You donate monthly. Nick and I don't take any of the money. We always put it back into the podcast. And, you know, there's things that we could use, better cameras, better equipment, and even pay for content itself. So that would be very, very appreciative if you wanted to support us. We will put the link in the description.

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