Rage & Resentment In Right-Wing Politics (4-12-18)

1 year ago

http://lukeford.net/blog/?p=121543 What if the Alt Right got honest with itself and saw that its problems were of their own making? Email: I’m a fellow outside-looking-in spectator of the alt-right. I really dig your live streams and the group of regulars you have on there. It’s cool to hear people discuss these topics that I’m (perhaps morbidly) fascinated by in an environment that isn’t bogged down with resentment and the need to signal edginess.

I thought it was funny that you are so respectful of Chris Cantwell, personally i think he’s a total bozo, but anyway, that brings me to my point: have you listened to the podcast that sparked the whole Nehlen-Vaughn doxxing incident? Episode 5 of the “RickyVaughnCast” titled Problems with White Identity, featuring the owner of MPCDot.com (quite an influential space for the MAGA end of the alt-right).

I’d say the podcast is worth listening to if you haven’t already. I’d go so far as to say, in terms of the questions raised, it’s second only to Nathan Cofnas’s paper in terms of its importance as a critique of the foundations of the WN-end of the AR. Cofnas devastated the “Jewish Conspiracy” basis for much of their positions and the ideas in the podcast: 1. whiteness not being a legitimate identity 2. loserdom and social anomie (similar to your recent discussion of online identity) drives people to radicalism, and extremist positions serve to isolate and radicalize them further, the parallels between jihadis and lunatic fringe alt-righters being obvious (compare that with your own conversion to Judaism and the non-artificial social benefits it brings). Naturally this enraged the WNs and the subsequent doxxing of Ricky Vaughn resulted in a even larger divide between the moderates and extremists.

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