Brian Peckford on Faytene TV

1 year ago

"Begin to do what a good democracy should be doing.
Citizens have to get involved.
A democracy's only healthy, and a democracy will only last as long or and be good, insofar as a citizen is involved, participates:
That means writing letters, that means joining groups, and to ensure that we have a more balanced approach to this going forward.
Insofar as a citizen would get involved, get up off the couch and stop watching TV" - Mr. Brian Peckford

In 1982, the Charter was added to the Constitution, meaning that a guarantee of rights and freedoms for Canadian citizens became a part of the Supreme Law of the land. These rights and freedoms include freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief, expression, the press, peaceful assembly, association, mobility rights, and the right to liberty and security of the person.

Some would say in this season, it could be argued that many of these rights have been breached.

Here to discuss the Charter and if, or when, it is ever granted by law to be overridden, is The Honourable Brian Peckford.

Mr. Peckford is a very accomplished Canadian political leader, and is the only remaining premier that was at the table with Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his government as they crafted the Canadian charter.

He’s such an important voice for such an important conversation to so many of us right now.

Thanks for joining us. Please share with your friends and loved ones.

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