E041: More than just a data gatekeeper? - with Ken Ponder, Viskase CIO

1 year ago

In this episode of "Between Data and Risk", our hosts Artur Guja and Marian Siwiak welcome a distinguished guest, Ken Ponder, CIO of Viskase Companies Inc.
A seasoned IT executive with over 38 years of experience, Ken brings invaluable insight into the often misunderstood world of data utilization in business. 
Throughout the conversation, Ken uncovers common misconceptions surrounding data availability and usage, emphasizing that not all data is readily available or applicable in all situations. He shares candid experiences from his vast career, highlighting the challenges of managing expectations about data access and the criticality of educating non-technology executives about these complex issues. 
We speak about the illusion of infallibility often attributed to data, about how humans input data makes it prone to error. We ponder the importance of data validation and the role of IT in ensuring data integrity. 
We discuss the value of business analysts in bridging the gap between technology and business units. Ken reflects on his experience implementing this model at Viskase, where these experts provide ongoing education on data flows, reporting capabilities, and best practices for data utilization. 
Together we contemplate the future of data in business, the importance of robust security measures given the rise of cyber threats, and recognize the growing role of AI in various industries. We urge caution in the face of rapid technological advancement, pointing out that effective data utilization is not merely about access but about understanding and proper application. 
Join us for this enlightening conversation as we navigate the delicate balance between data and risk.

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