Jake on the News How states have passed Bills to unknowingly Kidnap your kids in California and MN

1 year ago

Advocacy group issues travel advisory to parents over California and Minnesota 'trans refuge' bills
The American Principles Project warned of loss of parental rights in California and Minnesota

An advocacy and think tank organization issued a travel advisory to California and Minnesota after lawmakers passed legislation to override out-of-state parental rights.

The American Principles Project (APP) is warning parents across the United States of the possibility of their parental rights being stripped away as recent legislation in California and Minnesota move to give state family courts the power to take temporary emergency jurisdiction over a minor coming into the state to access sex-change drugs or surgical procedures, regardless of if the minor is traveling from another state.

"Parents will do anything to protect our children. To lose your child and be powerless to prevent harm from coming to them would be any parent’s worst nightmare. Yet today, families traveling to California or Minnesota could be at risk for that awful scenario actually playing out — losing custody of their kids to an industry that aims to sterilize and mutilate their bodies," APP President Terry Schilling said in a statement. "It is frightening, and enraging, to think such anti-family policies have taken hold here in the United States."

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