Pedophile's Eating Alive And Aborted Baby And Young Kids Too Rejuvenating Potion

1 year ago

Planned Parenthood Kills Them and Then Sells Their Organs. Which is Worse? Planned Parenthood Is Largest Food Suppliers Human Meat In The World Today. "You Are What You Eat." Most of us have likely heard this saying before and are familiar with its simple and sensible meaning. When we were younger, this adage taught us (hopefully) to take care of what we put into our bodies because the food we eat can have a direct affect on our health as a whole. Selling Human Meat Per Planned Parenthood Rules All Sell At Cost/Lost For Non-Profit Organization.

Federal law prohibits the commercial sell of human meat and trafficking of fetal tissue for profit and carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison and a $500,000 fine.

(Key Word Is (( 4 Profit )) Per Federal Law and Pedophile's Eating Alive And Aborted Baby and Kids... Is O.K. If Only Sell Human Meat Is At Cost or At A Lost.

P.S. Planned Parenthood Only Sell Human Meat At Cost/Lost... After Paying All Employee Hourly Wages and Other Cost To Run A Not-For-Profit Organization.

Not only must the organization meet the requirements that the state where it is organized sets for non-profits, but it must also meet complex IRS regulations. These regulations are used not only to determine if the organization is exempt from tax under the organization's activities as a non-profit organization.

Cannibalism is defined as the consumption of another human's body matter, whether consensual or not. In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism per se, but most, if not all, states have enacted laws that indirectly make it impossible to legally obtain and consume the body matter. Murder, for instance, is a likely criminal charge, regardless of any consent. Further, even if someone consents to being eaten and ends their own life, the cannibal may still be liable for criminal or civil actions based on laws governing the abuse or desecration of a corpse, which vary by jurisdiction.

For example: In Oklahoma, 21 OK Stat § 21-1161.1 (2021) part D states “For purposes of this section, “desecration of a human corpse” means any act committed after the death of a human being including, but not limited to, dismemberment, disfigurement, mutilation, burning, or any act committed to cause the dead body to be devoured, scattered or dissipated; except, those procedures performed by a state agency or licensed authority in due course of its duties and responsibilities for forensic examination, gathering or removing crime scene evidence, presentation or preservation of evidence, dead body identification, cause of death, autopsy, cremation or burial, organ donation, use of a cadaver for medical educational purposes, or other necessary procedures to identify, remove or dispose of a dead body by the proper authority.”
Related Cases:

The case that established in the common law that necessity is not a defense to murder also involves cannibalism. Regina v. Dudley and Stephens is an English criminal case concerning two men who survived a shipwreck in the 19th century. The defendants and two other shipmates were marooned on a raft after their vessel was destroyed in a storm. They had no fresh water and little food. In desperation, one of the men drank sea water to slake his thirst, but it only made him sick with dehydration and eventually he lost consciousness. Dudley then killed him, and the three survivors drank his blood and ate his body for the next week before being rescued. Despite the dire circumstances and evidence that the victim was near death anyway by the time Dudley killed him, the defendants were found guilty and sentenced to death. Their sentences were later commuted to six months in prison.

In 2001, a German man named Armin Meiwes found someone through a cannibalism fetish website to consent to being killed and eaten. After meeting, Meiwes killed the victim and butchered his body, freezing the meat for future consumption. Meiwes was apprehended and arrested several months later. Although cannibalism was not illegal in Germany, Meiwes was initially convicted of manslaughter. He later received a retrial at the prosecutors' request and was convicted of murder.

There are usually laws against desecrating a corpse, but not all cannibalism has to involve corpses, I guess.

I've heard of women who save the placenta after the birth of a child and take it home and eat it. The theory is that animals do that all the time, and it's supposed to replace nutrients lost during childbirth or something. Personally, I'd just take some vitamins, but to each her own, I guess.

I also can't think of any laws which would prevent one from eating amputated body parts. I mean, if it's amputated at a hospital, there might be some regulations about medical waste. I'm pretty sure that if you convince the doctor to let you take home your amputated leg it will be soaked in some kind of poisonous preservative like formaldehyde just to prevent the public health danger of decomposing human parts lying around. Those laws are more about gaining access to human flesh than actually eating it, though. If you found a way to get a discarded body part into your possession lawfully, I can't think of any specific laws against eating it.


§ 18-5003. Cannibalism defined -- Punishment
(1) Any person who wilfully ingests the flesh or blood of a human being is guilty of cannibalism.

(2) It shall be an affirmative defense to a violation of the provisions of this section that the action was taken under extreme life-threatening conditions as the only apparent means of survival.

(3) Cannibalism is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding fourteen (14) years.

I don’t know the legalities of cannibalism in the US, but do you remember Mad Cow Disease? Feeding hoof-to-hoof, or humans consuming human flesh can lead to transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. Cruetzfeld Jakob (vCJD) disease is the human form and can be spread from eating infected human flesh.

There was a tribe in New Guinea who practiced cannibalism of their deceased, the disease known to the locals as ‘kuru’ killed thousands.

The infection causes bacteria called prions to infect the brain and is always fatal. You just never know, but if you have to ask if it’s legal……maybe experimenting with one’s palette has gone too far. Just sayin’.

A human soup made from parts and pieces of aborted baby. Are pedophile's eating aborted baby soup? (Yes Its True) Regarded by some as a rejuvenating potion that would bring back their youth!. Selling parts and pieces of aborted babies. An underworld Trade in Asia and the U.S.A. Corporate Food Promotes Cannibalism - Major Food Companies Use Tissue from Aborted Fetuses to Produce Flavor Additives in Processed Foods - Article and Commentary Eating Babies & Planned Parenthood Abortionists.

Welcome to the Human Meat Project, we are the human meat donation program. By donating bodies for human consumption, we are taking action to solve overpopulation, which leads to climate change and the greenhouse effect caused by the mass farming of livestock animals in order to feed the world.

How About A New Shake 'N Bake Kitty Flavors - Like Aborted Fetus ? or Campbell Cream of Fetus Soup If you have a craving for Aborted Fetus Soup, then we’ve got some bad news for you. An Oklahoma Senator, Ralph Shortey, has now outlawed “the manufacture or sale of food or products which use aborted human fetuses.”

This baby soup is called ‘ Spare Rib Baby Soup ’ and is most expensive dish in Japan and China. The reporter who originally took these pictures wrote that he had to wait a couple of weeks until a baby was available.

The story behind this is that a couple who had two daughters already had a third pregnancy which they aborted when they were shocked to find out at 5 months it was again a girl. The first thing they did was they contacted the restaurant and sold their aborted daughter. Babies which are close to term (i.e. 9 months) cost 2,000 yuan (about US$ 290) The ones that are aborted earlier only cost a few hundred yuan (100 yuan is US 14.50)

At Human Meat Project, we value every body and every life at

We emphasize the source and origins of our human meat to deliver the diversity of our world and reveal the worrying differences of quality of life across the globe.

Our organization welcomes every nation to give back to the rest of the world. Hand in hand, we can help each other improve living conditions and the environment for everyone through this global movement.

We are calling you, humans, to wake up and take action now. We are not living individually and alone. We need each others to survive. Together we can create a world worth living for. Together we can build a world of humanity and solidarity. Every life is cardinal.

Human Meat as Food Source
The practice of cannibalism is not uncommon in living beings. In both the animal kingdom and our human history, the consumption of one’s own species has existed.

During the discovery of the New World, Christopher Columbus brought back what could be seen as early evidence of cannibalistic practices in modern civilization.

The word ‘cannibal’ comes from the name the Spanish gave to the Caribs (Cannibales). The Spanish accused the Caribbean tribe of ritualistically consuming their enemies, but modern-day scholars have doubts that it actually happened. They speculate the Caribs were engaged in an anti-colonial battle with a host of European powers. Many historians now argue that the cannibalism rumors were just a propaganda tactic by the Spanish meant to provoke fear.

The word ‘cannibal’ was used as a derogatory term to describe tribal and native people, and became an indirect ethnic slur.

Human Meat Donation Mission and Vision !
In order to save the planet from the impact of our modern civilization and lifestyle, we have to make a change in our ideas about consumption and our dietary choices.

We face climate change due to waste, pollution, deforestation and overpopulation problems. By donating your body for human consumption, you are taking direct action to help others and lessen the damage of the industrial age.

By consuming human meat, we create a change in both our life and the world. By improving the standard quality of life in every country and nation, we can give everyone in the world a good life.

Human Meat Nutrition Facts
One body can feed up to 40 people*
*An average adult male 65kg, only meat

Human meat often understated for its nutritions, human meat protein and fat density could have the same or better than other convenient meat product like beef, chicken and pork.

As omnivore, human meat taste and texture is similar to pork, not to mention the quality could be more substantial(depending on Quality of Life ratings).

One body contains every essential amino, minerals and vitamins needed for daily intake. Not only one body could feed up to 40 people, it also the most attainable resource for meat and fat consumption.

Quality Control
How we Select our Donors
We make sure our donors are healthy, and without any contagious diseases, health issues, or medications or substances which might be absorbed by people who consume their meat.

Health Risk
Donors who have medical conditions such as AIDS/HIV, Anyone With COVID-19 Shots and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), hepatitis (HAV/HBV/HCV/HDV/HEV), cancer, tuberculosis, or rabies will be rejected in order to prevent risk to the consumer.

There are also other medical condition that might prevent donors from being accepted, such as diabetes, hormone treatments or mental disorders.

Rejected Donation
In case of rejected donation:
If a donor has any medical condition that can be transferred human to human, they cannot be a donor.

If a donor has an active cancer, they cannot donate up until the time the cancer has gone into remission or been removed and will have to wait a minimum of one year after the last treatment or procedure. If a donor has a partial remission, they will have to wait a minimum of one year after the procedure and will go through a medical check up to ensure no medications remain in the body. If a donor has gone through full remission after one year, they can be a human meat donor.

Quality of Life
Quality of Life is a rating system of human meat quality.

Every donor that has gone through our quality control procedure and assessment will be rated based on the quality of their life (health and wellness).

Why Donate?
Over time, the human population has increased rapidly across the globe, leading to a higher demand for food, especially meat products. With this increasing demand, land for residential areas has become more difficult to find and emissions from farms have risen every year, making the lives we lead less sustainable.

We believe that by donating bodies and/or organs we can make a change by creating alternative meat consumption options while addressing the value of a person’s body.

End Date
Sometimes, if a donor is fully committed to donating their body to the society, we can give them an End Date Service. For an End Date Service, a donor can choose any date they want to be harvested.

End Date Services are our way of allowing donors to make important arrangements and have time to live their life up until the date they choose to be harvested. We highly advise meat donors think carefully and discuss with their families before choosing a date.

When the End Date is near, they will be called in for health and physical evaluations. The Human Meat Project will provide spiritual or religious service if the donor is spiritual or religious. The donor is also allowed to call in their personal spiritual or religious guidance. We believe that by giving these services, we can help the donor to have a peaceful death and produce better quality meat.

Which Health Issues Can a Gluten-Free Diet Help Manage?
Medically speaking, not all gluten-related issues are created equal. There can be confusion around two common gluten-related conditions in particular: celiac disease and nonceliac gluten sensitivity.

Let’s take a look at the differences between the two, and how the gluten-free diet may benefit both, along with some other medical conditions.

Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects an estimated two million people in the United States. It's likely that even more people have the condition because it is known to be underdiagnosed.
In people with celiac disease, ingesting gluten causes damage to the lining of the small intestine, which can cause long-term problems with digestion and a host of unpleasant symptoms along with fatigue.
Symptoms of celiac disease vary from person to person, but they can include diarrhea, constipation, gas, nausea, and abdominal pain, as well as symptoms outside the digestive system, such as osteoporosis, anemia, headaches, and joint pain. Other people may not have any outward symptoms at all, but are still at risk for long-term health issues.
Regardless of whether you have symptoms, the best way to find out if you have celiac disease is through a blood test, a biopsy, or sometimes both. Make sure to get tested before going gluten-free, as doing so could affect your test results.
Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity
Nonceliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) can be difficult to diagnose because it mimics symptoms of many other digestive disorders, and because most symptoms in scientific studies are self-reported by participants.
Symptoms of NCGS vary from person to person, but they may include brain fog, depression, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and joint pain.
Diagnosing NCGS remains tricky because of the reliance on self-reported data and the lack of ways to clinically test for it, but one indicator of NCGS includes having symptoms but testing negative for celiac disease.

Gluten Ataxia
Gluten ataxia is rare and falls under the spectrum of gluten-related conditions. It affects the brain rather than the digestive system, and the damage it causes is irreversible. According to research, in some people, gluten triggers an autoimmune attack on the cerebellum — the area of the brain responsible for functions like balance and coordination, which can cause ataxia.
Symptoms of ataxia vary, but may include difficulty using arms and legs, trouble speaking, vision issues, and poor coordination and balance.
Gluten ataxia usually shows up around age 50, and many patients will have neurological symptoms but no digestive symptoms.

Wheat Allergy
Sometimes confused with celiac disease, a wheat allergy is triggered by food containing wheat. Several proteins in wheat cause this type of reaction, whereas people with celiac disease react only to gluten (one specific protein in wheat, barley, and rye).
Wheat allergies are most common in children, and more than 65 percent of people affected will outgrow the allergy by the time they are 12 years old. Symptoms can include a rash, hives, stomachache, runny nose, and anaphylaxis, and the primary treatment is to avoid foods and products containing wheat, which can but doesn’t always include foods with gluten. For example, rye and barley contain gluten but are not wheat, so those with a wheat allergy may be able to eat these grains as long as they haven’t been cross-contaminated with wheat. right up arrow Be sure to read ingredient labels carefully to avoid wheat in all of its forms.

Potential Health Benefits of the Gluten-Free Diet
In addition to celiac, NCGS, gluten ataxia, and wheat allergy, some studies suggest a gluten-free diet may play a role in treating the following conditions (though more research is needed):

Irritable Bowel Syndrome One study of 140 IBS patients found that following a gluten-free diet for 12 weeks led to significant improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms.
Schizophrenia A research review of nine studies found that six of them demonstrated beneficial effects of a gluten-free diet for people with schizophrenia, including improved functioning and decreased symptoms severity.
Fibromyalgia One small study of 20 women with fibromyalgia and gluten sensitivity found that all of the study participants reported improved symptoms while following a gluten-free diet. Fifteen of the women experienced dramatic improvement in chronic widespread pain, indicating remission from their disease.
Endometriosis A study of 207 women with endometriosis found 75 percent reported a significant change in painful symptoms after following a gluten-free diet for 12 months.
Always get approval from your doctor before trying a gluten-free diet to help with any medical condition.

Eliminating gluten may improve athletic performance in some individuals, but the diet isn’t recommended for every athlete, so don’t follow it before getting your doctor’s approval.
Risks and Who Should Avoid a Gluten-Free Diet
There’s no shortage of claims about the gluten-free diet, but sometimes not eating gluten for a nonmedical reason can have unintended consequences. One unwelcome side effect of a gluten-free diet is an increased risk for nutrient deficiencies, including iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and folate.
Excess fat in the blood and coronary artery disease are additional risks of the gluten-free diet. And while not a health risk, foods specifically processed to be gluten-free tend to be more expensive than their gluten-containing counterparts.
Phipps adds that your body can have trouble readjusting if you swear off gluten and suddenly reintroduce it back into your diet.

If you’ve gone gluten-free and fit into one of the following categories, you may want to consider gradually welcoming the protein back into your diet.

People Without Allergies or Intolerances
“Don’t mistake the hype around the gluten-free diet as proof that it’s an effective or safe weight loss tool,” says Phipps. "There is no scientific evidence that avoiding gluten will lead to weight loss."

Some people who go on a gluten-free diet will lose weight, but usually it’s because they’re paying closer attention to nutrition labels and what’s in their food. Because there are so many processed gluten-free foods packed with unhealthy fats and added sugar, you may even gain weight on a gluten-free diet.

People on Low-Carb Diets
“The most common misconception around gluten-free diets is that they are synonymous with carb-free diets,” says Phipps. That’s simply not true.

Bananas, for example, are naturally gluten-free but still contain carbs. A medium-size banana contains 26 grams (g) of carbs. Although there are no hard and fast rules, a standard low-carb diet limits carbs to between 20 to 57 g of carbs daily.
Most vegetables and dairy products are also naturally gluten-free, and still contain carbs. Gluten-free products eliminate grains such as wheat, rye, and barley, but their gluten-free counterparts — gluten-free rice, quinoa, and corn — may have just as many carbs. So if you’re trying to scale back your carb intake, going gluten-free won’t necessarily accomplish that goal.
The bottom line: Don’t self-diagnose a gluten intolerance of any sort. Because of the potential risks, going gluten-free isn’t a good choice without a medical diagnosis, and you’re best off speaking with a doctor if you’re experiencing symptoms.

Getting Started on the Gluten-Free Diet
If you and your healthcare provider have determined that going gluten-free is right for you, the first steps include reading food labels carefully, getting rid of gluten-containing products, and restocking your pantry and fridge with gluten-free options. Working with a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable about celiac disease and a gluten-free diet can help make the transition to this eating style easier. Know that for people with celiac disease, no amount of gluten is safe to consume. You can’t go on and off a gluten-free diet or have a cheat day. Even without symptoms, gluten will damage the villi in the intestines of those with celiac.

Check for the “Certified Gluten-Free” seal on food packages, and read the ingredient list on food labels. Foods regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may be gluten-free but aren’t required to be labeled as such. Several foods, such as rice, are naturally gluten-free, so knowing those foods is important, too.
Other tips from the Celiac Disease Foundation on how to tell if packaged food is free of gluten include checking a list of allergens, identifying any obvious sources of gluten (wheat, barley, rye), and looking into hidden ingredients or those you haven’t heard of before.

Before fire did humans eat raw meat?
There is an argument, at least among some scientists, that cooking created humans, rather than the other way around.

The quick answer to your question is that, yes, our predecessors ate raw meat, just like every other carnivore and omnivore on the planet. But those predecessors were very likely not anatomically modern humans. Related, to be sure, but not quite the same as us.

Modern evidence suggests that our ancestors figured out how to make fire a very long time ago. Mastery of fire is generally accepted to have been widespread 125,000 years ago, before the Cognitive Revolution. At least some humans knew how to make fire 200,000 years ago, and some evidence is argued to prove that they had it over a million years ago.

The argument, in essence, is that control of fire allowed our forebears to develop in ways that were previously impossible. The ability to cook food (both meat and other foods), both protects from disease and parasites, and makes a lot more nutrients and calories available for use.

One of the enduring mysteries of human evolution is the human brain. It seems obvious to us that it’s useful for survival, since we’ve spent centuries dunking over every other lifeform on the planet. But, as our brains were developing, it’s not at all obvious that they’d be an evolutionary advantage. Human brains are huge resource hogs, they’re 1–2% of our body mass but consume 20–25% of the calories and oxygen that we use. In a natural, survival-based environment, that seems like a ludicrous waste for minor advantages. Our big brains mean less skull thickness and more weight on our necks, which makes us more vulnerable. They make it harder to pass through the birth canal, which is why human babies are born so early and helpless compared to most other mammals. If you were on the savannah 50,000 years ago, you might be shocked that such misshapen creatures could even survive.

And the process around that is still the topic of debate and discussion, but it’s very likely that we couldn’t have survived in the first place if we hadn’t figured out how to make fire and cook our food. Our ability to do that meant we could get more calories from a given food source, use fewer biological resources on getting sick or fighting disease, and develop more quickly and healthily.

In other words, if our raw-meat-eating ancestors hadn’t figured out how to cook food, it’s likely they never would have become us.

Can a human survive solely on raw food?
Yes. In fact, cooking is a relatively recent phenomenon. The first somewhat well-accepted evidence for cooking comes from the presence of burnt bones and tools at Zhoukoudian, China, between 300,000 and 500,000 years ago in what was probably a very late H. erectus site. Thus, all hominids before a certain date probably ate entirely raw food. ("Hominid Use of Fire in the Lower and Middle Pleistocene" by Steven R. James, Current Anthropology (1989) gives a good, if outdated, review of the origins of cooking and other fire use.) In fact, until recently, there were Inuit groups that went through multiple seasons in a year eating almost nothing but raw, frozen, or fermented meat.

To be clear, though, there have been no modern human populations other than today's raw-foodists who have gone entirely without cooking. Anthropologists like Richard Wrangham use this as evidence that cooking may be an obligatory human behavior, controversially claiming that "people who choose a 'raw-foodist' life-style experience low energy and impaired reproductive function" ("Cooking as a biological trait", Wrangham, 2003).

There are a few disadvantages to not cooking:

Parasites: It's easy to underestimate how big of a problem parasites are, even today. Billions of people worldwide are infected by parasites, many from either unclean water or improperly prepared food. Parasite larvae tend to spend a lot of time embedded in animal tissues (like muscle) and plants, while adult stages will spend a lot of time in animal organs. Infestation with parasites is a major cause of malnutrition and death worldwide, and without proper regulations, transmission through raw food is distinct possibility, while thorough cooking will kill most parasites. The Inuit mentioned above probably have a smaller chance of getting parasites due to the climate, but protozoan and helminth infections were and continue to be a problem among many Inuit. The human digestive tract is resilient, but going for years eating nothing but unregulated raw food will take its toll.
It's hard to eat raw food: Or at least, for a good part of hominid history it was. Early hominids specialized to eat tough plant matter had enormous jaws and huge sagittal crests to attach the powerful muscles needed to grind their food. (To be fair, much of the reduction in jaw size since then was caused by changes in the content of diet rather than the preparation.) Chewing this tough plant material caused many hominids' teeth to be worn down to the gums. (Again, to be fair, much of this was caused by the fact that for a long time, teeth were used as tools, which caused a lot of wear.) These early hominids also probably had digestive tracts better equipped to deal with raw food. The point is that if you are committed to eating raw food, it's not guaranteed that there will always be soft raw food available, and eating tougher food without cooking it takes a lot of effort. Some people believe that cooking has caused such a dramatic reduction in jaw size that it's a major cause of orthodontic malocclusion today ("The adaptive value of dental crowding", A. V. Lombardi, 1982).

To give a dramatic illustration, take a look at the enormous molars on this jaw of P. boisei, a hominid specialized to eat tough plant matter:

In the past, people who ate only raw food would probably have a somewhat shortened life-span due to the disadvantages outlined above. But these are mostly negated by the advantages that modern raw foodists have:

Reduced exposure to parasites: Because of food regulations in the developed world, it's much less likely that you'll get many of the common food parasites than it was before, although you still have to be careful.
Unprecedented access to a variety of foods: Sure, when you're living on the African savannah, living off of raw food may be tough, but in America, we import and grow food from all over the world. Surely, anyone can find enough foods to meet their nutritional requirements and suit their tastes - at least if they're willing to pay enough. And we've developed techniques and foods that make things much easier to eat than the tough plant matter our ancestors used to eat.
Health: I know far too little about raw food diets to make any claims about their health benefits, but practitioners of these diets claim, among other things, that it preserves vitamins and enzymes. (As with any other dietary advice, take the claims with a grain of salt and look at what the evidence says.)

In short, it should be made perfectly obvious that humans can survive on raw food alone, based on the fact that thousands, if not millions, of people have done it and are doing it. Whether or not this is desirable is up to you to decide.

Soylent Green is a 1973 American ecological dystopian thriller film directed by Richard Fleischer, and starring Charlton Heston, Leigh Taylor-Young, and Edward G. Robinson in his final film role. It is loosely based on the 1966 science-fiction novel Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison, with a plot that combines elements of science fiction and a police procedural. The story follows a murder investigation in a dystopian future of dying oceans and year-round humidity caused by the greenhouse effect, with the resulting pollution, depleted resources, poverty, and overpopulation. In 1973, it won the Nebula Award for Best Dramatic Presentation and the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film.

The "Books" conclude from the oceanographic reports that the oceans are dying and can no longer produce the plankton from which Soylent Green is made. This information confirms to Sol Roth that Simonson's murder was ordered by his fellow Soylent Corporation board members, who knew Simonson was increasingly troubled by the truth and feared he might disclose it to the public.

Roth is so shaken by the truth that he decides to "return to the home of God" and seeks assisted suicide at a government clinic. Thorn rushes to stop him, but arrives too late. Before dying, Roth tells his discovery to Thorn. Thorn moves to uncover proof of crimes against humanity and to bring it to the attention of the Supreme Exchange so the case can be brought to the Council of Nations to take action.

Thorn secretly boards a waste truck transporting human bodies from the euthanasia center to a waste-disposal plant, where he witnesses human corpses being processed and turned into Soylent Green. Thorn is discovered, but he escapes. As he returns to the Supreme Exchange, he is ambushed by Soylent operative Fielding and his men. Finding refuge in the church where Simonson confessed, Thorn kills his attackers, but is seriously wounded in a gun battle. As paramedics tend to Thorn, he urges Lt. Hatcher to spread the truth while shouting to the surrounding crowd, "Soylent Green Is People!" Soylent Green Is Made From People!

Today, here in 2018, this statement appears to mean something completely (and disturbingly) different. Back in 2015, a number of food companies began introducing an ingredient into their product lines which most people might outright reject if they knew its origin. This additive was never openly disclosed to the public, and its addition was so controversial that most people would outright deny the presence of this additive if these companies did not suggest the fact on their labeling. No, these disclosures did not come in the form of overt, respectful, and straightforward statements from these companies. Rather, these disclosures were given in a way which most American citizens did not even notice. And this appears to have been the intent. Those who are familiar with the science fiction movies of the early 1970s may be familiar with a thriller/science fiction film that was especially popular around that time. The movie was called Soylent Green and was written by the late Richard Fleischer and stared Charlton Heston as the lead. Some may also remember the old Saturday Night Live parody which mocked the film, yet at the same time, the parody reminded audiences of the shocking subject matters the movie contained.

This thriller is set in a post apocalyptic world in which the global population is massive and food is scarce. So instead of solving the issue via ethical means, the establishment opted to do the unthinkable. They rounded up crowds of people, killed them, and fed them to the rest of the population. The product produced by human remains was created by a food processing company called the Soylent Corporation and was called Soylent Green, which had no resemblance to its actual origin. The inconspicuous nature of this processed food product concealed the fact that the population was eating its own kind. (Along with these observations, we might also note the theme within the movie of the strong triumphing over those whom society considers to be weak.) This dismal depiction of a post-apocalyptic future was quite shocking during its time, and to many, this scenario is just as gruesome now as it was then. Our present situation does not mimic this exact scenario. However, this issue with the product known as HEK 293 has raised serious controversy over the public right to know what goes into our food. Before delving further into the subject, let's consult an article by Natural News for a number of specifics on the situation.

Sickening: Major Food Corporations Use Tissue from Aborted Babies to Manufacture Flavor Additives in Processed Foods (Natural News) Every time you purchase mass-produced processed "food" from the likes of Kraft, PepsiCo, or Nestle, you're choosing, whether you realize it or not, to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies. It's true: A company based out of California, known as Senomyx, is in the business of using aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavoring chemicals, both savory and sweet, which are then added to things like soft drinks, candy and cookies. And Senomyx has admittedly partnered with a number of major food manufacturers to lace its cannibalistic additives into all sorts of factory foods scarfed down by millions of American consumers every single day. Known as "HEK-293," the aborted human fetal cell line used by Senomyx is manipulated to evaluate how the human palate will react to synthetic flavors used in the production of processed foods. Since most processed foods on the market today are hardly food to begin with, and typically lack any real flavor or appeal on their own, chemical companies like Senomyx are hired to develop artificial ones (which are often deceptively labeled as "natural flavors") in order to make them taste like real food. But because these ingredients can be legally disguised with vague descriptors like "artificial flavors" and even "natural flavors," most consumers have no idea that these additives, in some cases, are actually made using the cell tissue of unborn babies that were murdered through abortion. It's sickening but true, and people must learn the truth in order to avoid partaking in what says amounts to a satanic ritual. "What they don't tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 — human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors," Debi Vinnedge of the pro-life group Children of God for Life said about the ugly truth of the flavoring chemical industry. "They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors." Vaccines, "beauty products" loaded with chemicals made from unborn babies murdered via legalized genocide Processed food isn't the only hidden source of additives made using aborted human fetal tissue — many so-called "beauty products" and vaccines are also loaded with aborted baby tissue-derived additives. According to Neocutis "beauty" products and anti-wrinkle creams are made from aborted male baby cells collected after a 14-week gestation period. Many vaccines, including Merck & Co.'s MMR II vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, as well as ProQuad (Merck), Varivax (Merck), Pentacel (Sanofi Pasteur) and Havrix (GlaxoSmithKline), also contain derivatives of aborted human babies. The following outlines processed "food" products, vaccines and "beauty products" known to contain ingredients derived from aborted human babies (and there are likely many more; your best bet is to avoid all processed foods in general):

Aside from the overtly unethical and grossly immoral standard which a corporation would need to hold in order to employ veiled cannibalism as a food source, we might consider even more reprehensible, the act of feeding the American population its own young without openly disclosing the fact. After reading this information, we might be thinking about the fact that there has still not been a resolution to the issue of abortion in the United States and the world. The controversy still exists and, according to research, both sides of the debate make good points. The debate is still ongoing. So why then would anyone in a balanced and healthy state of mind preempt the conclusion of this debate and suggest that the world population begin eating the subject of the debate itself? The thought comes across as demonstrably insane. Let's consider the fact that by all appearances, none of these products actually needed to have this disturbing additive in their food to begin with. None of these products were originally manufactured with fetus-based additives, and there does not seem to have been any logical reason to change the "recipe" in any of these cases. This brings into question the quality of executive decisions taking place within the management of these companies and the true reality of the choices these executives make behind closed doors. Getting the Facts Straight It's important to mention that in some cases, these stem cells are reported to only be used to produce flavoring and are not actually added to these foods. However, in many cases, these cells become a part of the foods and drinks they are used to create. And of course, this addition is not always accidental, according to sources. One would think it much easier to use pig cells to test flavors. After all, animal cells have been used in food production for decades with much less uproar and controversy than this new trend of adding human tissue to foods and drinks. To add, pig cells are scientifically known to be very similar to human cells. This is why live pigs have typically been used to test human products (though this too has been a controversial practice). Again, there does not appear to be any logical reason to impose such a questionable change in the food industry. Some of us might remember the ongoing debate about the use of human stem cells in medicine and science. This debate started out in the early 2000s and initially, both sides of the discussion offered reasonable points. However, upon its beginning, there was no stated intention for any company or organization to promote the addition of these stem cells in foods (to restate). Yet somehow, the situation has progressed to this point. From all these developments, it appears as though the population is being slowly introduced to the idea that cannibalism is normal and healthy. If this was the intention of these companies, what might the motive be? What could possess a person or group to feed the American population the unborn? Elitist Motives and Beliefs According to multiple sources, there is a reason as to why these egregious acts are consistently committed in modern institutions and corporations. This reason is that a group of elitists have, over the past century, worked their way to greater and greater positions of financial influence and power. Through massive inheritances of wealth and influence, these individuals have gained their own financial empires. Along with this influence, these elitists have superimposed their own philosophical and religious beliefs upon their various establishments. According to the findings of numerous sources, many of these elitists have been found to be Luciferians (unfortunately). As we may know, the doctrine of Luciferianism encourages followers to engage in the most heinous of behaviors imaginable by society. One of these practices is cannibalism, specifically of the young. According to medical research, the application of young stem cells to the body can prolong a person's youth. However, instead of these individuals seeking the typical medical treatment of such procedures, they are actually reported to ingest these cells in various forms. Not only this, but just as in many cases with elitist beliefs, these cabalists choose to force the standards of their satanic religion upon the population. One of the beliefs these elitists criminals maintain is that they are superior to all other individuals on the planet. They believe themselves to be genetically fit and best able to control and maintain the world population. Not only this, but they believe that they hold physical ownership of the planet and everything on it—including the people. They literally believe themselves to be a completely separate and superior race. This means that to these elitists, cannibalism is not actually a moral violation. To them, the human race is like a herd of cattle whom they believe they can treat in any way they please. This has been the case for a good number of centuries, according to research. However, now the tide is reported to be turning. A Change for the Better This change of power from a system built upon covert and thorough slavery to one of fairness, freedom and equality is bringing a complete end to the corrupt ways of the past. This rapid change has caused these criminal elitists to panic and to attempt to hastily impose their dream of a planet built upon their Luciferian standard, according to sources. The changes these people have attempted to make were clumsy and haphazard at best, which has allowed all those who are socially attentive to notice and call foul everywhere these crimes were committed. At first glance, these crimes against the population may not be noticed. However, with proper observation and education, we the people can stand up to such gross violations of common human decency.

Asian People and Chinese and White and Black Person and Other Pedophile's Eating Babies

On the menu of some exclusive Asian People and Chinese restaurants is an item that goes by the name of Spare Rib Soup. Very expensive, it is usually served only in the back rooms to known customers, who are willing to pay to premium for this delicacy. So what is Spare Rib Soup?

Brace yourselves.
Spare Rib Soup…. is actually a human soup, made from the bodies of aborted babies. It is regarded by the Asian People and Chinese Eat least some Asian People and Chinese as a rejuvenating potion. A kind of fountain of youth that will fix sagging wrinkles, grow back missing hair, and generally put a spring back in your step.

All of which is quite simply nonsense.
But I thought of Spare Rib Soup when I watched the video of Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services, Planned Parenthood, describing how her organization is harvesting and selling parts and pieces from aborted babies.

You’ve all seen the video by now, so I needn’t describe it in detail. If you haven’t, join the 2 million others who have. Prepare to be revolted.

I’m sure the picture of Nucatola calmly masticating her food as she discusses the importance of not crushing the organs so she “can get it all intact” will stay with you a long time. Or the thought of her sipping her cabernet sauvignon as she brags “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver.”

How the abortionist can manage to keep down her lunch while casually revealing that she did a “seventeen-weeker just this morning” is beyond me. She is talking about taking the life of a child who is about 12 inches long, can suck his thumb, can sense light and can feel pain. The thought makes me want to vomit. Apparently it stimulates her appetite.

Federal law prohibits the commercial trafficking of fetal tissue for profit and carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. That’s why Nucatola is careful to say that Planned Parenthood abortionists “want to come to a number that doesn’t look like they’re making money. … If they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that.”

(Key Word Is (( 4 Profit )) Per Federal Law and Pedophile's Eating Alive And Aborted Baby and Kids... Is O.K. If Only Sell Human Meat Is At Cost or At A Lost.

P.S. Planned Parenthood Only Sell Human Meat At Cost/Lost... After Paying All Employee Hourly Wages and Other Cost To Run A Not-For-Profit Organization.

Nucatola skirts the law a second time when she explains that Planned Parenthood’s abortionists sometimes do a manual version to keep the baby’s head intact so it can be sold. The baby is delivered feet first and killed in the process. This is, of course, akin to an illegal partial-birth abortion, following a 2003 law passed by the Congress and signed into law by President Bush.

The fetal soup sold to Asian People and China is nauseating to any normal human being, but are Planned Parenthood’s actions any less so?

And reflect on this difference: In Asian People and China, the only people responsible for this human cannibalism are the paying customers themselves. But in the United States, because of the huge subsidies that Planned Parenthood receives from the American taxpayer, we are all “paying customers.”

Planned Parenthood Statistics
According to Planned Parenthood’s FY 2013-2014 annual report, the supposedly non-profit organization received a whopping $528 million. The U.S. taxpayer is the single largest contributor to Planned Parenthood, providing some 41 percent of its total revenue.

Planned Parenthood committed 327,653 abortions in the FY 2013-2014, an estimated one-third of all abortions committed in the U.S. that year. To put this number into perspective, Planned Parenthood abortionists are stopping a beating heart 37 times every hour, night and day, week after week, month after month.

And there is another reason why we can make no claims of moral superiority over Asian People and China. Unlike the People’s Republic, we are a democratic country. We elected the men to Congress who appropriated our money and gave it to abortionists like Nucatola. We elected the President—Barack Obama—who keynotes Planned Parenthood fundraising events. So we are all—collectively—responsible for doing something about Planned Parenthood’s dirty business.

Because of its trafficking in baby body parts, Planned Parenthood is already under investigation by the U.S. House of Representatives and in several States, including Georgia , Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, and Texas. More states need to follow—including your state.

It is past time to cut off all funding to the Planned Parenthood killing fields. Contact your Congressman and Senators, your governors and state legislators, your mayors and your city counselors. Tell them to defund Planned Parenthood once and for all.

The 2015 videos from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) uncovered an industry of trafficking of aborted baby body parts for profit and research.
Harvesting the body parts of aborted children for research subsidizes the abortion industry and incentivizes harmful practices such as late-term abortion, altering abortion methods, violating patient privacy, and even likely killing some children born alive in order to harvest their organs, as CMP videos uncovered.
Congress, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), and/or the president can and should ban federal funding for research using human fetal tissue obtained from induced abortions.
The NIH Secretary should create a registry of ethically-obtained fetal tissue derived from miscarriages and stillbirths to support research.
Congress and the states should prohibit the sale and trafficking of baby body parts and close the "valuable consideration" loophole in federal law.
States should ensure the respectful burial of unborn children killed in abortion.
There are ethical alternatives to human fetal research that do not involve induced abortions.

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released horrific new video footage Tuesday showing a Planned Parenthood partner admitting that body parts were harvested from aborted babies who still had beating hearts.

The video exposes the testimonies of several top Planned Parenthood officials and a human tissue procurement company leader during a 2019 sworn legal deposition.

Perhaps the most horrific testimony came from Perrin Larton, the procurement manager of Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), which harvests aborted baby body parts at Planned Parenthood facilities in southern California.

In her sworn testimony, Larton admitted that she has seen aborted babies’ hearts “beating independently” after they are born. She also confirmed that some aborted babies’ bodies are fully intact. Larton explained that most aborted babies come out of the womb in pieces, but sometimes ABR sees fully intact bodies. Asked about those situations, Larton replied, “They just, sometimes they fall out” of the mother when she delivers the baby in the abortion operating room. When questioned about how often that occurs, she replied, “Once every couple months.”

Asked what happens next, Larton said an ABR staffer will “do a dissection” on the intact aborted baby “to get the tissues that the researchers have requested.” When asked if the babies that just “fall out” have a heartbeat, Larton said, “It would depend,” because “I can see hearts that are not in an intact P.O.C. [product of conception, meaning aborted baby] that are beating independently.”

Also important to note, ABR sells aborted baby body parts to researchers whose projects are funded by U.S. taxpayers.

(Key Word Is (( 4 Profit )) Per Federal Law and Pedophile's Eating Alive And Aborted Baby and Kids... Is O.K. If Only Sell Human Meat Is At Cost or At A Lost.

P.S. Planned Parenthood Only Sell Human Meat At Cost/Lost... After Paying All Employee Hourly Wages and Other Cost To Run A Not-For-Profit Organization.

Other testimony in the video came from Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the former senior director of medical services for Planned Parenthood nationally. Nucatola was caught in the first Center for Medical Progress video eating salad and sipping wine while talking about how she “crushes” unborn babies’ heads to better harvest their body parts.

In the new video, Nucatola was asked if she had “ever had a patient deliver in the operating room a non-viable fetus.”

“I’m sure I have,” she replied. Nucatola then was pressed repeatedly to define “non-viable.” At first, she defined it as “a fetus that’s not capable of survival.” But when asked how to determine if a baby is viable, she responded, “It depends on where you work.” Questioned again, Nucatola said viability partially depends on the baby’s gestational age, weight and health. However, she also included “the availability of interventions” in her criteria.

This raises serious questions about if Planned Parenthood is allowing babies who would be considered viable in a hospital to die because the abortion facility does not have “available interventions” such as medical equipment or staff to care for the baby and arrange for his/her transportation to a hospital.

Tweet This: This raises serious questions whether Planned Parenthood is allowing babies who would be considered viable in a hospital to die ?

According to the Center for Medical Progress, Nucatola used to be in charge of setting the national Medical Standards & Guidelines for all Planned Parenthoods. She also aborted unborn babies at the Los Angeles Planned Parenthood, which harvests aborted baby body parts for Novogenix Laboratories.

A third testimony came from Jon Dunn, CEO of Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties in California. His affiliate used to work with the fetal tissue companies DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, which were shut down in 2017 after the Orange County District Attorney accused them of illegally selling aborted baby body parts. The companies agreed to close permanently and pay $8 million in a settlement.

Dunn said he knows of one baby was born alive at one of his affiliate’s abortion facilities.

“I know they kept it warm and comfortable for the very brief period that it was alive. I don’t think there was even time to call 911,” Dunn said. Later, he added: “This is something that every obstetrician/gynecologist deals with on rare occasion. … It is their medical judgment what to do in that circumstance.”

Center for Medical Progress project lead David Daleiden urged authorities to take action immediately based on the horrific new evidence.

“How long will public authorities permit Planned Parenthood and their associates to sell living children inside and outside the womb and then kill them through organ harvesting?” Daleiden asked. “The [Department of Justice] has vigorously prosecuted the sale of eagle body parts. Surely selling human body parts after cutting them out of an infant with a beating heart is at least as grave of a crime.”

For years now, Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress have been uncovering shocking details about Planned Parenthood’s abortion practices, including the harvesting of aborted baby body parts for research.

Not only have the Center for Medical Progress investigations raised concerns about potentially illegal sales of human body parts, but they also have uncovered evidence of abortionists allegedly putting women’s lives at greater risk by altering abortion procedures to better harvest aborted baby parts. The investigators also found evidence of possible patient privacy violations.

Planned Parenthood repeatedly has denied all allegations of wrong-doing, and many news outlets now parrot its talking points that the initial Center for Medical Progress videos were deceptively edited or debunked. An independent forensics investigation verified that the videos were authentic.

Some undercover videos show how Planned Parenthood employees callously and flippantly negotiated the price of tiny baby hearts, lungs, livers and brains. Other evidence indicates the abortion giant may have broken HIPAA patient privacy laws.

Meanwhile, Daleiden and other CMP investigators are being prosecuted for their work.

The expose videos catching Planned Parenthood officials selling the body parts of aborted babies have shocked the nation. Here is a list of all 14:

In the first video: Dr. Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on baby-crushing: “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

In the second video: Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Mary Gatter joked, “I want a Lamborghini” as she negotiated the best price for baby parts.

In the third video: Holly O’Donnell, a former Stem Express employee who worked inside a Planned Parenthood clinic, detailed first-hand the unspeakable atrocities and how she fainted in horror over handling baby legs.

In the fourth video: Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Savita Ginde stated, “We don’t want to do just a flat-fee (per baby) of like, $200. A per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.” She also laughed while looking at a plate of fetal kidneys that were “good to go.”

In the fifth video: Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood-Gulf Coast in Houston boasted of Planned Parenthood’s skill in obtaining “intact fetal cadavers” and how her “research” department “contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States.”

In the sixth video: Holly O’Donnell described technicians taking fetal parts without patient consent: “There were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.”

In the seventh and perhaps most disturbing video: Holly O’Donnell described the harvesting, or “procurement,” of organs from a nearly intact late-term fetus aborted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA. “‘You want to see something kind of cool,’” O’Donnell says her supervisor asked her. “And she just taps the heart, and it starts beating. And I’m sitting here and I’m looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating, and I don’t know what to think.”

In the eighth video: StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer admits Planned Parenthood sells “a lot of” fully intact aborted babies.

The ninth video: catches a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies — including one who “just fell out” of the womb.

The 10th video: catches the nation’s biggest abortion business selling specific body parts — including the heart, eyes and “gonads” of unborn babies. The video also shows the shocking ways in which Planned Parenthood officials admit that they are breaking federal law by selling aborted baby body parts for profit.

Unreleased Videos: Unreleased videos from CMP show Deb Vanderhei of Planned Parenthood caught on tape talking about how Planned Parenthood abortion business affiliates may “want to increase revenue [from selling baby parts] but we can’t stop them…” Another video has a woman talking about the “financial incentives” of selling aborted baby body parts.

The 11th video: catches a Texas Planned Parenthood abortionist planning to sell the intact heads of aborted babies for research. Amna Dermish is caught on tape describing an illegal partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term unborn babies which she hopes will yield intact fetal heads for brain harvesting.

The 12th video in the series shows new footage of Jennefer Russo, medical director at Planned Parenthood in Orange County, California, describing to undercover investigators how her abortion business tries to harvest intact aborted babies’ bodies for a local for-profit biotech company and changes the abortion procedure to do so.

The 13th video: exposes a Planned Parenthood medical director admitting that babies born alive after abortion are sometimes killed.

The 14th video: catches Planned Parenthood executives discussing gruesome abortion procedures and the sale of body parts from aborted babies for profit.
Planned Parenthood Directors Admit Under Oath That They Sold Aborted Baby Parts.

Amid the disturbing rise in attacks on Asian Americans since March 2020 is a troubling category of these assaults: Black people are also attacking Asian Americans.

White people are the main perpetrators of anti-Asian racism. But in February 2021, a Black person pushed an elderly Asian man to the ground in San Francisco; the man later died from his injuries. In another video, from New York City on March 29, 2021, a Black person pushes and beats an Asian American woman on the sidewalk in front of a doorway while onlookers observe the attack, then close their door on the woman without intervening or providing aid.

As the current president of the Association for Asian American Studies and as an ethnic studies and critical race studies professor who specializes in Asian American culture, I wanted to address the climate of anti-Asian racism I was seeing at the start of the pandemic. So in April 2020, I created a PowerPoint slide deck about anti-Asian racism that my employer, the University of Colorado Boulder, turned into a website. That led to approximately 50 interviews, workshops, talks and panel presentations that I’ve done on anti-Asian racism, specifically in the time of COVID-19.

The point I’ve made through all of those experiences is that anti-Asian racism has the same source as anti-Black racism: white supremacy. So when a Black person attacks an Asian person, the encounter is fueled perhaps by racism, but very specifically by white supremacy. White supremacy does not require a white person to perpetuate it.

It’s not just white people
White supremacy is an ideology, a pattern of values and beliefs that are ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the U.S. It is a belief that to be white is to be human and invested with inalienable universal rights and that to be not-white means you are less than human – a disposable object for others to abuse and misuse.

The dehumanization of Asian people by U.S. society is driven by white supremacy and not by any Black person who may or may not hate Asians.

During the pandemic, “yellow peril” rhetoric that blamed China for COVID-19 led to a 150% rise in anti-Asian harassment incidents reported to police in 2020. In particular, East Asian Americans or anyone who appeared to be of East Asian heritage or descent became targets for the misplaced anger of people blaming Chinese people or those they thought looked Chinese, even if they were of other ethnic backgrounds, like Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean, Burmese, Thai or Filipino.

A fear of disease
White supremacy as the root of racism can be seen in the Latino man in Texas stabbing a Burmese family in March 2020, claiming he did so because they were Chinese and bringing the coronavirus into the U.S. Though the suspect may have mental health problems, his belief that this family posed a threat is driven by the white supremacist ideas of Chinese people being to blame for COVID-19.

This same rhetoric of blaming anyone perceived to be Chinese for COVID-19 and attacking them has been found in countless reports of harassment, including one by a Vietnamese American woman who was spat at by a white man as she tried to enter a grocery store in March 2021. Four days later, video footage showed a 76-year-old Chinese woman who was punched in the face by a 39-year-old white man, on the same day that a white man killed eight people, including six Asian women, in Atlanta. Stories of individual harassment and violence perpetrated against Asian Americans by white assailants don’t always get the same attention as the viral videos of Black aggression toward Asians.

But underlying all these incidents is white supremacy, just as white supremacy is responsible for Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes: White supremacy made Floyd into a Black male threat rather than a human being.

Understanding the depth and reach of this ideology of racism can be challenging, but doing so brings each person, and the nation as a whole, closer to addressing systemic inequity. It’s all people whom Asian Americans need to fear. ? Is It’s any BLM-KKK-CIA-FBI-DOJ-ETC. Supremacy.

Lab-Grown And Real Human Meat Was FDA Approved Cannibalism A Sprit Cooking

There is something deeply disquieting about cannibalism. Motives and technicalities do not matter; eating human flesh is now universally considered revolting, whatever the circumstances.

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