Ormalite Clay Opens the Heart & Nourishes the Soul

1 year ago

The Ormalite Experience
The initial experience from taking Ormalite begins with a calm, centered, energizing effect that flowers into a more open-hearted, gentle sense of well-being.
After 2-15 minutes (if you have taken what would be a normal dose for you – and since everyone is different, this may be anywhere from 1-3 of the small scoopers (3/32 of teaspoon or 0.5 ml) that are provided with the Ormalite), lights appear brighter, colors appear richer and more colorful, and plants appear more alive.
These are typical experiences that take place when the heart opens. It is not too far different from the experience of being in love with someone. This is where the phrase "looking at the world through rose colored glasses" came from.

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