A Dispensation for Working with the Hierarchs of the Elementals to Heal the Earth

1 year ago

https://www.heartscenter.org - Invoke the Elementals of Venus to Come and Clean Things Up on Earth. This HeartStream was released on May 24, 2023 during an Upper Room* service for heartfriends who have committed to the law of the tithe. Our Hearts Center staff felt its timely message, including a vital dispensation extended by Virgo and Pelleur, should be shared with a wider audience. In case you may not be familiar with certain terms referred to in the discourse, here is a mini-glossary, taken from our online dictionary that may be helpful:
Virgo and Pelleur and the elemental kingdom: The elemental kingdom is composed of a hierarchy of guardian spirits, ranging from the mighty Elohim to the littlest sylph. These guardian spirits are responsible for the precipitation in form of the ideas and feelings of both God and man.
It is one of the three kingdoms created by God—the other two being the kingdom of angels and the kingdom of man. Divided into four areas—earth, water, air and fire—the elemental kingdom has its directors and servants. For example, the earth elementals, known as gnomes, are under the direction of twin flame cosmic beings named Virgo and Pelleur.
Earth—Virgo and Pelleur—gnomes
Water—Neptune and Luara—undines
Air—Aries and Thor—sylphs
Fire—Oromasis and Diana—salamanders

Sanat Kumara and the planet Venus: The Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9, 13, 22), Sanat Kumara, is the original Keeper of the Flame and the spiritual ruler of the planet Venus, existing in the etheric plane beyond our mortal vision. Many eons ago, he offered to assist Earth, karmically scheduled for destruction. Its evolutions no longer acknowledged or were connected to their Source, having extinguished the divine spark within their hearts.
Sanat Kumara was granted permission from a cosmic council to come to Earth with 144,000 other lightbearers to help Earth’s citizens awaken to their true divinity and regain their soul freedom. He is also known as Dipamkara in Buddhism, Kartikeya (second son of Shiva and Parvati) in Hinduism, and Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism.
To know Sanat Kumara and realize how greatly he and all the citizens of Venus desire the victory of Earth is an immeasurable encouragement and joy. And we are blessed to have knowledge of the elemental kingdom to such a degree that we can bring restoration to our beloved planet as co-creators with the elementals.
Many heartfriends in our community have profound relationships with the elementals and we know many of you do, too! May the knowledge of the dispensation you will hear and view goad you to put into practice with great joy and appreciation their suggestions! God bless you! God bless our Sanat Kumara! God bless our elementals!
*Follow this link to find out more about our Upper Room Services: https://tinyurl.com/s9fcvazt

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