Conservative Commandos Radio - TV Show - May 25, 2023

1 year ago

Conservative Commandos Radio - TV Show - May 25, 2023

Hosts: Rick Trader & George Landrith


Steve Milloy is the Founder of He is also a former member of the Trump Presidential Transition Team that focused on environmental and regulatory issues. Steve will discuss how Banks now want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere. The Left wants to depopulate the world which involves having less energy and less food. He will also discuss how climate crazies attacked Trevi Fountain in Rome vandalizing it in the name of climate change. Other climate crazies attacked company officials at Shell’s annual meeting. Police had to come in to deescalate the violence and made a number of arrests.

Michael Morris is the Director of the Media Research Center’s Free Speech America & MRC Business Department. Michael will discuss how little the business world seems to have learned from the Bud Light debacle. Now Target has stepped into it again working with a pro-Satan & Transgender designer. He will also discuss how Communist Chinese Gov’t-tied TikTok is claiming that Montana's ban of TikTok is a violation of its free speech rights. He will also discuss how Big Tech in America is earning failing Grades on Free Speech & Religious Freedom. Finally, he will discuss how AP received $8 million in grants from climate alarmist organizations and began aggressively pushing climate wokeism.

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