Whats up with CBDCs

1 year ago

We will be discussing what CBDCs are all about, #cbdcs
Bank of Canada Survey https://www.bankofcanada.ca/digitaldollar/?page_moved=1
list of Senators https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/
Privacy and Surveillance:
The programmability of CBDCs introduces the risk of increased surveillance and infringement on personal privacy. By implementing transaction controls and monitoring mechanisms, central authorities could potentially track and analyze individuals' financial activities in real-time. This level of surveillance raises concerns about personal privacy, as it grants significant power to central banks and potentially compromises individual autonomy.

Financial Exclusion:
Programmable CBDCs can lead to financial exclusion. If certain transactions or individuals are deemed undesirable or non-compliant with regulations, central banks could impose restrictions, effectively excluding them from using the CBDC. This exclusion may disproportionately impact marginalized communities, individuals with limited access to digital technologies, or those who fall outside the criteria set by the central bank.

Concentration of Power:
Programmable CBDCs concentrate power in the hands of central authorities. By having the ability to dictate transaction rules and conditions, central banks become the ultimate decision-makers in the financial system. This centralized control raises concerns about potential abuse of power, censorship, and the impact on economic and financial freedoms.

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