DF-27 Hypersonic Missile Has Been in Service for Years #china #chinamilitary

1 year ago

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China's Secret Weapon Unveiled - 0:00
The Hidden Trump Card - 0:38
The US Response - 2:22
Conclusion - 3:24

The arms race has defined much of human history and continues to shape geopolitics today. A potent example of this is the development and deployment of China’s advanced DF-27 hypersonic missile system, a formidable weapon capable of striking parts of the United States. The DF-27, as per various sources, has been active in service for several years, but its existence has been kept under wraps. This weapon is part of a rapidly evolving field of hypersonic weaponry, a cutting-edge technology that is shaping the dynamics of military balance in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Hidden Trump Card.
In the intricate game of military strategy, certain pieces remain hidden until necessary. The DF-27 has been such a card in China's arsenal. Despite never having been officially unveiled, the intermediate-range ballistic missile has already been in service for several years, according to anonymous military sources. The DF-27’s predecessor, the DF-17, took center stage during the 2019 National Day military parade in Beijing. It is speculated that the Chinese military, also known as the People's Liberation Army (PLA), did not want to disclose the existence of the DF-27 to keep it as a tactical surprise. The missile can carry various warheads, including a single Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV) or multiple warheads for different targets. The deliberate strategy of secrecy highlights the importance China has placed on this weapon system. In terms of capabilities, the DF-27 shares features with both the DF-17, which has a range of 1,500km and can travel at five times the speed of sound, and the DF-21D, known as the "aircraft carrier killer" that can carry multiple warheads up to 1,800km. The Pentagon's 2021 annual report mentions the DF-27, stating its range between 5,000 to 8,000km - enough to strike Hawaii from the Chinese mainland. The DF-27 is a key element in China's deterrence strategy. It is not designed to target US mainland territories such as Hawaii or Alaska directly but rather key US bases in the Asia-Pacific, particularly in Japan and Guam. This strategy signifies China’s focus on enhancing its Anti-Access Area Denial (A2/AD) capabilities, aiming to prevent adversaries from entering or freely operating within specific geographic zones.

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