KT PANTERA™ Blades: First Impression

9 years ago

Showing the unboxing of the KT Pantera™ blades and some performance readings in low dirty winds. I really need to get that tower raised above the other turbines and trees - unfortunately the rest of the pieces are still under the snow so it will have to wait for now. But overall I'm very impressed and very pleased with the new blades so far. They definitely outperform the originals. I'll post more video once the tower's raised and I do the necessary mod's to the tail. Thanks Thermodyne!
Theoretical potential harvest @ 15mph/6.7mps =
1/2(Air Den. * Swept Area * Velocity Cu. * Rotor Coeff * Alt Coeff)
= 1/2(1.2kg/m * 2.8sq.m * 6.7mps^3 * 60% * 40%)
= 1/2 * 242.5
= 121.3 watts

As seen on the meter in the video, the Ghost managed approx 110w/hr peak in 5-15mph dirty winds. Previously, the data logger recorded a peak of over 200w/hr from both the Ghost turbine and the VAWT in the same conditions. Total watt hours are low, however, due to the wind direction and turbulence caused by the trees. Start up speed is approx 5-6mph

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