Gentle Breeze Branches /Leafs Dancing of Olive, Guava The Pine and Palm

1 year ago

With the onset of Autumn, nights in our part of the world are getting a bit of pleasantly cooler. The gentle breeze attracts a lot of people to enjoy outside of their homes. Likewise plants seems enjoying the approaching change. Difficult to feel while driving or busy with other activities, but if one sits in alone to really see and feel the surroundings, it's worth it. Nature has its own unique qualities /ways to open up its charms and beauties, provided one involves him/herself in the surrounding environment. It really was a fascinating experience observing how the dancing of each and every tree branches and Leafs were different and mesmerizing in their own ways. 🎍 Pine was outstanding, as were olive branches. With clear blue skies, twinkling stars up above, and the bliss of autumn night in open air, it's definitely a treat to watch/enjoy , especially for nature's admirers /lovers.

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