What is deliverance ministry and where does it come from?

1 year ago

Shalom! I am making this video because even though there are many videos already online about this topic, there are far too few believers engaged in spiritual warfare and deliverance ministry. More sources online means that even more people can find this urgent information. In this video we will explore various examples of deliverance from the bible and show why we should still be doing this today in the end times. This video will be followed by another where I actually provide some information and instructions with regards to how I minister deliverance to others and will provide some other written and online sources with more information. I pray that everyone who sees these videos will be emboldened to use the power and authority given to us by our Messiah Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Ha Mashiach to set people free and battle Ha Satan's kingdom to tear it down all for the glory of YHWH. HALLELUYAH!

Part 2 of the deliverance series:

How to cast out devils......with Brother Paul

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