What Happens When Beer Spoils?

1 year ago

🍻🤢 Spoiled beer: What happens and how can you spot it? Let's dive in! 🌪️

Hold onto your mugs, because we're about to uncover the secrets of beer spoilage! 🌪️✨

John is a Professor in the Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences at NC State talks about there are two main culprits behind this unfortunate phenomenon: microbial contamination and oxidation. 🦠🔥

John Sheppard further talks, When microbial contamination strikes, brace yourself for a whirlwind of off flavors and sourness that turn your beloved beer into a disappointing experience.

Say goodbye to that delightful taste and aroma you crave!😫🤢

On the other hand, oxidation takes beer down a completely different path. It's like a scaling reaction that gives you that distinct cardboard-like sensation you might have encountered when eating stale bread. 🍞😣

Here's a fascinating fact: In the early days of brewing, the importance of protecting beer from oxygen wasn't fully understood. Once oxidation starts, it's a one-way journey with no brakes! 😱⛔️

These spoilage factors significantly shorten the lifespan of beer, robbing you of its full potential. But fear not, beer enthusiasts! We're here to help you spot the signs and savor your brews at their best. 🕵️♂️🍻

Have you ever encountered spoiled beer? Share your stories in the comments below, and let's raise a glass to the pursuit of perfect pints! Cheers! 🍻🔍

Click https://lachancea.com/ to learn more about John and his work!

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