Theodor Herzl: The Birth of Political Zionism - Ep. 1: The Challenge of Establishing a Jewish State

1 year ago

Theodor Herzl: The Birth of Political Zionism - Ep. 1: The Challenge of Establishing a Jewish State
Oct 31, 2018
I believe many of you will understand that I do not agree with many statements and beliefs stated in this video. But to understand history, you must look at it from all angles.
If for nothing else, the impact of Political Zionism and Israel has upon the entire world, everyone should know and understand this history.
Yes, much true learning can be a bit boring. But you cannot be truly knowledgeable or wise without earning it.
On May 14, 1948, as David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the establishment of the modern State of Israel, he stood flanked by leaders representing a broad range of factions within the Yishuv. Above all of them hung just one image: the visage of Theodor Herzl.
Herzl is the only Jewish leader mentioned by name in Israel’s Declaration of Independence, and for good reason: more than anyone else, he is the father of the Jewish state.
In this course, we will explore the life, statesmanship, and legacy of this remarkable leader. Guided by Dr. Daniel Polisar, one of Israel’s leading experts on Theodor Herzl, we will see how Herzl’s deep concern for his nation’s dignity and honor led him to conclude that the Jews needed a state of their own.
With little institutional support and virtually no resources or political leverage, the sheer force of Herzl’s writing and will carried him to sit across the negotiating table from prime ministers and emperors, arguing for the free sovereignty of the Jewish people. In this first lecture, Dr. Polisar explains that to truly understand Herzl’s challenge, we have to unknow everything we know about Zionist history and the modern State of Israel.
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