The CCP’s threat to the US is complicated!

1 year ago

5/23/2023 【Hearing of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence】Witness Mr. Tyrone Durham: The CCP’s threat to the US is complicated! They not only deploy intelligence and cyber espionage techniques to illegally obtain access to US essential infrastructure but also coerce some foreign students, academics, and researchers to collect sensitive information and research. The CCP’s national security laws allow its threat against the US to be expanded beyond the entire CCP government to society as a whole.
#takedowntheccp #secretpolicestation #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/23/2023 【美国众议院反恐、执法和情报小组听证会】证人泰伦·达勒姆先生:中共对美国的威胁错综复杂!他们不仅使用情报技术、网络间谍非法进入美国的关键基础设施,还强迫一些外国学生、学者和研究人员收集敏感信息和研究。更有甚者,国安法使得针对美国威胁的力量从整个中共国政府扩大到整个社会。
#消灭中共 #秘密警察站 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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