On Nazi Apologists: Ryan Faulk (The Alt Hyp) Part 1/3

1 year ago

0:10-0:49: Introduction to Ryan Faulk:
0:50 Preview of Series on Faulk
1:10 – 1:48 The Alt Hyp’s contention: the Soviet Union fabricated the Holocaust
1:49 – 2:56 Organizational structure of video: The Three main Parts summarized.
2:57 – 4:31 Part I: Knowledge of the Holocaust by non-Soviet (Axis and Allies) regimes)
4:32 – 4:55 Question for Faulk/Alt Hyp: Why did Hitler’s Allies believe in the Holocaust?
5:03 – 6:39 Soviet censorship of the Holocaust
6:40 – 7:05 Pravda articles on Auschwitz
7:05 – 7:30- Soviet censorship of the Holocaust
7:31 – 7:55 ‘Four Million dead at Auschwitz’ plaque
7:56 – 8:30 – Concluding the First Part
8:31 – 8:47 Part II: Non-Soviet (British and American) Postwar investigations of Nazi extermination policy
8:48 – 9:44 British Belsen trial and investigation of Auschwitz gassing allegations
9:45 - 10:18 American IG Farben Trial and investigation of Auschwitz gassings allegations
10:19 – 10:24 Part II concluded
10:25 – 10:38 Part III: The Western Allies liberated camps with homicidal gas chambers.
10:38 – 10:49 “Let me repeat. The Western Allies liberated camps where mass killings, and gassings occurred.”
10:50 – 11:07 A qualifier: Soviets did liberate the camps (or ruins of camps) with the most extensive mass killings.
11:08 – 12: 18 Natzweiler: Camp—liberated by Americans—with homicidal gas chamber
12:19 – 12:44 Mauthausen: camp—liberated by Americans—with homicidal gas chamber/mass killings
12:45 – 13:14 Other facilities and camps (liberated by West) which had gas chambers.
13:15 – 13:38 On Alt Hyp’s claim that there is equal evidence for gassings at Belsen and Dachau—where we know it did not happen—for gassings at Auschwitz, etc?
13:39 – 13:56 Brief summary of my video’s three parts
13:57 – 14:39 One lingering question: Why did the Soviets liberate the death camps with (by far) the most gassings and Jewish victims?
14:40 – 14:57 The Alt Hyp doesn’t do his homework
14:58 – Preview of next videos and additional content.

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