"Mimo and Jim Do Chill Talk About God" Part two, we know a lot, but not everything. #honesty

1 year ago

We talk about Creation and how The Bible keeps it a fun mystery to unlock to see how it could have been done. Morality is not up to interpretation, we always love and help each other... But how God does things or thinks, well wise people try and figure it out, but can't.

We talk about Pharaoh's hardened heart and why it would be done lovingly.

We talk about the creation of Satan, of the similar vein, but this is super speculative... I think I said I'm 99.9999999999% wrong, but it's just something to think of.

Ecclesiastes8:16 Whenever I tried to become wise and learn what goes on in the world, I realized that you could stay awake night and day 17 and never be able to understand what God is doing. However hard you try, you will never find out. The wise may claim to know, but they don't.

No one can claim they know some things for fact. You can claim you know some things for fact, but you cannot claim you know some things for fact. Some things you'll never know. Some things are easy to know. There are people like Ken Ham who will say it's his way or the highway and when he's wrong, then he makes others who believe in the Bible look bad. The Bible is clear in the above scripture, wise people will claim they know for a fact stuff that isn't knowable.

We talk about Mimo's growing up as a pastor's kid and the challenges. That's fun too.

We talk psychology. I'm of a Carnegie Mellon background and we delve deep into that and how the brain wants to accomplish a lot, but the body wants low stress. You can accomplish more in life by trying to do a little less.

We talk about some miracles and how praying for money is boring.

We talk about how to deal with work environments that are toxic.

We talk about how though we have many denominations, that ain't weak of Christianity, but a strength.

The format is good I feel. We meander our thoughts, but in a comfortable, friend way. Mimo is a great friend of mine. She thanks me for confirming what she knew that Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life. She told me her faith was struggling when I met her, but I solidified her on the path of Jesus for the rest of eternity. She even did a happy video about it: https://fatherspiritson.com/2022/09/lil-mimos-testimony-to-my-street-evangelism/

If you want to see some more miracles I experienced than is in this video: www.goodnewsjim.com

I really enjoyed talking with Mimo and making this video. When I produce some artworks it is straining, but this literally felt like hanging out with one of my best friends, cuz... Mimo is one of my best friends! Yay, thank you Jesus for having her call me just for making a video series. I feel like that was a miracle in itself... Just before I began to get into it, Mimo calls, yay. She rules. Jesus rules. Be most excellent to one another and remember Jesus wants you to be happy. So lets help those around us since helping people feels good, but also God blesses the giver more than the receiver... Aka God literally rewards you with stuff better than you could wish for if anything was possible, cuz it is.

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