I shave my Vegan AGE'd face after 2 yrs & health issues. Do I really look old as 65, Tufano-fans?

1 year ago

My Before-and-After video on the effects of my vegan diet. But it's before-and-after shaving...because people say my vegan high-carb, high-fruit diet is what makes me look 60+.
I call my diet the Carboraider Diet because it's very high-carb. But does it equal high-AGE?(Advanced Glycation End products)? Very simply put by wikipedia: "(AGEs) are proteins or lipids that become glycated as a result of exposure to sugars." But I don't eat much proteins or lipids. AND, just the presence of all 3 macros doesn't mean Glycation just happens.

0:00 My quick intro (because I CARE about not wasting peoples' time
1:56 Anti-Vegan Tufano fans inspired this video, saying I look old
10:24 My specific diet that's responsible for my looks
13:25 Meat-heads use references to me being young. Here I catch Bart AGAIN in some BS
18:54 Anti-vegans play Mind-games with vegans. Viewers, do you want health & happiness? Do you still not know who to listen to?

Some people say vegan diets age you because of carbs. But the carni's (anti-vegans) mostly talk about the supposed "lack of nutrition" without meat.

I've had health issues recently, and I believe it's from detoxing. I've had a problem with stress going back to the late 80s. And in this time, people are saying I look old ; 59, 65 70. But I think that's just because of the facial hair. But we're about to find out. They were saying I look those ages as an insult. Little do they know. They didn't know my age. Those people are always anti-vegan.

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