Crystal Cities, Free Energy, Disclosure, Universal Beings, Radiating Energy, - 05-03-23

1 year ago

These three emissaries of light always give us current, uplifting information that helps in the ascension and expanding the light vibration.

Questions for Brysentia

34:25 - I've heard that we (humans) provide energy for some non-humans just by being alive, if this is true why is it said that they are trying to reduce the population?
37:11 - What is the most likely timeline for new technologies like free energies, fast travel etc?
38:51 - Is the energy stronger now on earth with the Crystalline City activated and together with the full moon i got a strong headache.
40:21 - Is it true that the President of Mexico, and of Turkey have been killed and other are in their place?
45:15 - In particular, Adele, Gwen Stafani, Helen Mirren, Katy Perry look noticeably different.
In fact, when I see them, I think, 'that's not them'. What is happening to some of these people who we thought were rounded up, but are still here and look completely different?
50:21 - The world/collective energies feel even more heavy & stressful. What can we expect in the following months? Is the global reset currency reset coming soon?
55:42 - With all these energychanges can we communicate with our loved ones more easily?

Questions for Albayon

1:08:10 - How will intercontinental travel look like next year?
1:10:01 - What is happening to the British Royals.. Is Charles really being crown as King of England?
1:11:45 - How is the political situation in Spain? The Kings and the Goverment.. To many neferious ones?
1:13:05 - I do not see many UFOs anymore when i call my Galactic Soul family to show themselves? Why is that? Did my soul family abandon me?
1:15:00 - How is the situation in Antartica?
1:16:08 - Is Russell-Jay Gould holding the title of post master general of the planet and is his account of his role since 1999 accurate?
1:17:30 - When will we see a significiant rise in value in price of silver?
1:19:55 - Will quantum computers be used in this 2024 election?
1:21:30 - Can you tell me why the palms of my hands are hurting and tendons clenched up?
1:22:16 - I keep hearing that there`s going to be help for the elderly and disabled with a Social Security increase.
There are many in this group that needs help. Do you see that anytime soon?
1:23:11 - When will the R V Re-evaluation begin? Donar, Dang, Zim.
1:24:00 - When will food and gas prices come down?

Questions for Crystallia

1:32:07 - Do you see a lot of us going to the crystal city in the earth during our dream state for higher education?
1:34:04 - Any words of wisdom for us to focus on in the following weeks.
1:37:20 - Are all these people still wearing masks going go continue to do so forever?
1:38:30 - Can all of us feel/hear the frequency from the Crystalline City? It is just recently that i have been waking up at night from a low humming sound, but no one else seems to hear it.

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