Rahu in Pisces/ Ketu in Virgo 30 October 2023

1 year ago

Seems the part between Leo and Virgo is missing some information.
****Basically, for LEO is a time for change/transformation/intimacy/emotional development/detoxing of old energies with Rahu in 8H, Rahu co rules 7H Aquarius in the 8H, this could give your partnership a change, get married, divorced and if single love can come in. Ketu in 2H, changes how we see money, savings, become more aware of what we eat, focus on the family, heritage. You might enjoy looking at old family photo albums and want recollection of old memories, Can make you connect deeper with family or do exactly the opposite. Appreciation of family heirlooms and lineage can definitely be a factor.
***VIRGO, A time when your work, relationships, marriage or being with others becomes more of a focus due to Rahu being in 7H. This might also mean you want to travel more, take yur partner away, meet someone special when abroad as well as 7H being influenced by 6H ruler, your spouse can need your help if unwell, time to iron out marital issues, do a health based job or work harder in your career. KETU in 1H, makes one less connected with self, it is important to connect with yourself each day by looking into the mirror. Becoming more inclined to becoming spiritual. Exploring more artistic interests as now you have 3L in 1H, great for learning a musical instrument due to Ketu's precision and excellence in detail. Be kind to yourself as Ketu is very critical in the sign that already too quick to judge, embrace every imperfection that makes you uniquely special.

The nodes changing sign means a massive change in focus and energy.
On the mundane level Ketu in Libra has made some massive changes in the judicial, Iegal and commercial fields, its aspects on Aquarius has had a fundamental imact on the big organisations like banking, pharma, technology and corporations (evidence of these can be seen by the huge numbers of CEOs stepping down last 18 months, massive losses at FB leading to thousands of redundancies, many of financial establishments continuing in closing branches etc) and Ketu aspecting Gemini showed how people are turning to more alternative platforms to get their news (see how many people have stopped their BBC tv licences , CNN viewership at all time low etc.).
Rahu in Aries brought about many demonstrations for freedom around the world, none of which were reported on the mainstream, the masses fighting for their sovereignty, liberty and choice. Rahu helped Aries to encourage us to be individual, brave, warrior like and freedom loving. From there it aspected the 9th house Sagittarius where thruth is the most important thing, this was suppressed by the media, it has been dripping out this year but by the end of October everyone will know what treasonous stuff governments and corporations etc have done. We will all be shocked, the only way will be to rebuild all of our systems. Rahu also magnified Leo, the politicians, royals, bosses, hollywood and how they were bought without them ever thinking that we the people mattered, the greed, control and despicable acts they have carried out will be coming out more and more by the time the nodes move in October.
We also have to take responsibility as a collectve for our part in remaining silent and allowing these criminalities to go on for so long. Too busy with gossip, games and hype.
The new world the nodes will bring in is one where we all are of service to each other with respect and honour. We will start valuing what is important and learn about our connection to our spirit, our roots and the divine. Where we are going, there will be no famine, lack or disease. This is the Golden Age of man of 1000yrs of Peace.

I also offer one to one tuition consolidating what you already know and fast track your astrology knowledge so you can set up your own consulting business. Sessions are £45 per hour.
Interested in a reading or any queries, please contact me by email sukavedicastrology@gmail.com
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Aries 15:00 Taurus 16:29 Gemini 20:29 Cancer 21:38 Leo 23:23
Virgo 24:58 Libra 27:02 Scorpio 28:06 Sagittarius 29:44 Capricorn 30:42 Aquarius 32:09 Pisces 33:07

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