DC Republicans changing the national conversation. Opportunity for the local party to unite & grow

1 year ago

00:40 Overall Media Coverage of the Durham Report
03:18 Harvard CAPS Harris Poll results show the American People are not being misled by the media. Graphs of poll results.
08:03 Sherry thinks Trump can’t win 2024 because of his unfavorables. Media coverage of Biden family vs Trump. Media knows they can get away with misreporting.
11:41 All politics are local. Republicans in blue and purple states need to shed the extremist persona. Discussion of division in the SW Pennsylvania local Republican Party. Far left progressives win Allegheny County Democrat primaries. Big opportunity for moderate Republicans.
15:04 Local Republican Party factions use the Marxist tactic of chaos. This tactic gives local Democrats an easy win.
16:21 Mail in ballots is a turnout battle that Democrats are winning by a large margin in every election.
17:01 Allegheny County Republican party must grow and unite. These need to be priorities. Sherry discusses conservative concerns that are shared by moderate Democrats. Republicans have the correct issues.
19:28 Sherry thinks Committees need action plans. There’s a lack of long term strategy and work plans to get there. You need to develop candidates over the long term. Democrats are involved in the community.
21:15 Bob: Unite and Grow. How many RINOS brought the Durham Investigation and the Whistleblower hearings? The purity test is weaking the local Republican party. The national tide is turning for Republicans, but it took RINOS to get us here. PA Democrats have a slim majority. What will change under a Democrat legislature.
23:45 You can’t run a company or a marriage with a purity test that only admits people who agree with you on all issues. You can’t change mail in ballots until Republicans start winning election. Mail in ballots are a powerful tool that Republicans refuse to use. Campaign earlier. Campaign to Democrats and Independents during the primary.
27:47 Allegheny County primary all Democrats received many more votes than Republicans. Bob goes back to Unite and Grow. Republicans are on the right side of the issues but they need to use persuasive communication.
30:20 Sherry uses questions to communicate issues. Bob cites an example from the issue of drag shows for kids. Conservatives affirming the negative attacks against them. Republicans adopted the “Don’t Say Gay” framing for the Florida “Parents Rights Bill”. How are casual voters perceiving Republicans?
35:02 Sherry’s example of Transgender person bothered by older people. This isn’t necessarily conservative Republicans.
37:10 Conservatives need to be consistent. Example from left wing opposition to a local indoor gun range.
38:10 Majority of people are not extreme, but the extreme has the bigger platform through the various media outlets. People are looking for a solution and Republicans must reach these people.
40:37 Republican extremists talk but aren’t doing anything to solve the problem. You can’t change mail in ballots until you win elections. Disrupting the party is accomplishing nothing. Sherry: if Republicans reached illegal immigrants the border would close (a good example of how things change by strategic action over talk).
41:45 The left wing is very good at feel good framing of the issues & demonizing opposition. They get help from mainstream media, Hollywood, entertainment, and the education system. Republicans have to be that much better to influence people. Sherry says people want immediate results, but it takes effort. People see overnight successes, but they don’t know the time and work invested.
45:14 Sherry applies her anecdotes to local politics. Democrats cultivates candidates for years. Republicans tend towards the quick fix. Many local Republicans got involved because of Trump so it may be growing pains. Unite and Grow.
46:34 Bob is excited by the progress of Congressional Republicans and the opportunity it provides for the local Republican Committee.

Episode story board:
Congressional Republicans have raised awareness of the corruption in the FBI and the Democrat party. Reference the media reporting of the Durham Report and the Whistleblower Hearing and the Harvard CAPS Harris Poll.

Republicans have an opportunity to shed the extremist image.

Local parties in red and purple states need to seize this opportunity to unite and grow.

Republicans need to be strategic in our engagement and communicate to the moderates and casual voters.

The Republican Committee of Allegheny County and the Local Republican Committees need to Unite and Grow.

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