Rhema May 24, 2023 ❤️ If you love Me, you will obey Me... Curiosity and a short Gold Update

1 year ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org
Jesus says... If you love Me, you will obey Me... Curiosity & A short Gold Update

January 7, 2018 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare
Spoken by Jackie

Clare began... Thank You, Jesus, for Your incredible patience with us. Help us to see how the very littlest things that are outside of Your will for us are baited traps, waiting to break our wings. Amen.

Lord, I wanted to ask You when the gold would come into play.

Jesus answered... “For now, it is good that you have it set aside. I have My reasons and they will unfold in due time. In the meantime, be anxious for nothing. Know that what you have set aside was done out of obedience and it will bear good fruit — as long as your heart is not set on material gain, but set on the exploited children of the world whom I weep over daily."

(Clare) Yes, I did intend that to benefit them.

(Jesus) "Be at peace. You did the right thing. Let it sit for now."

(Clare) Thank you, Lord, for clarifying that.

Well, dear Heartdwellers, I am coming to realize that my life is a minefield. Not of bombs, but of distractions that are waiting snares set to break my wings. Today, next to my video, was an excellent source for updates on the Deep State, without having to listen to a bunch of filler. I gave into temptation and listened to about five minutes and realized, 'You know? I really don’t want to hear this garbage.'

Dear Heartdwellers, curiosities are deliberate, baited traps set to clip your wings and keep you from fulfilling your destiny by eating away at time and energy that should have been spent on your mission. I am the very worst example of that, and I am warning you — please... if you love the Lord and value your mission—don’t fall for these things. Avoid them like the plague! They are the fowler’s snare.

Jesus continued... “You cannot compromise, Clare. Not now, not later. You cannot afford to compromise. No, I am not going to threaten you. But it is serious and you need to be aware that you cannot afford to compromise. I love you, dear one. I am only doing what is best for you. If it were good for you to listen to those things, do you think I would deprive you?”

(Clare) No.

(Jesus) “That’s right, I would not. You will be much happier, I can guarantee that. Besides, I have music for you to write and there are those who are still waiting for you to put out new music. I am gentle and kind at heart, and if it were healthy for you, I would not censor you. If it would bring you a measure of comfort and good, I would never censure you. But I tell you the Truth... it is pure distraction and a portal for the enemy to pour the world into your head."

"In that condition, you do not function on the beautiful, high and lovely place I have designed for you. Trust Me, Clare. This place I am taking you to is so much better than where you have been. Despite your flaws, I am not turning back on you or leaving you to the wolves who are continuously circling you, looking for a way to attack and kill you. They are relentlessly evil and hell-bent on destroying you. They hate intimacy with Me more than anything else, because it changes people’s lives for the better and sets them free to fully become who I created them to be."

"Truly, I live and breathe and move from inside their hearts. I protect you from them, unless you walk into their den and eat from their table. Well, that is hardly the stature of a pure and stately soul. It is more the stature of a hungry dog. That is why I am keeping you from this whole line of thinking and investigation. It is utterly worthless and toxic to your soul. Of course, the enemy knows this and plagues you with opportunities to indulge. But if you will resist him, you will be safe.”


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