Greek Hymns of Great Lent Orthodox Chant Ελληνικοί Ύμνοι της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής Ορθόδοξος Ψαλμός

1 year ago

Brothers and sisters, may God bless you. You don't have to donate anything, but if you want to, you'll help me a lot.

Wanting to contribute to the overwhelming atmosphere of Great Lent, the Parish of the Transfiguration of Sotiros Vrilission offers you some of the wonderful hymns of the period sung by the Byzantine Choir "En Psalmois", under the direction of Panagi Michalitsianou.
Take part:
Sotiris Gentis
Pantelis Moutos
Epifanios Sotiropoulos
Pantelis Gentis
Stylianos Kalis
Panagiotis Davrazos
Alexis Kyriakopoulos
Panagiotis Kyriakopoulos

00:00 - Pentecostal Triod, Glory of "Repentance", sound pl.d. And now "Salvation", sound pl.d'. God have mercy on me... "The multitudes", sound pl.b'. Member of Petros Lampadario (+1777)
05:05 - "Ekathisen Adam", Sunday Vespers of Tyrini. Sound pl.b', member of Petros Lampadarios (+1777)
08:33 - "The stage of the virtues", Idiomelo of Aino Kyriaki of Tyrini. Ihos pl.a', member Th. Stanitsa (20th century)
11:46 - Consumptive tropes in eight tones, member of Ioannou Protopsaltos (19th century)
15:09 - "Don't Turn Away", Upcoming Devouring Vespers. Ihos pl.d', member of Petros Lampadarios (+1777)
18:28 - "Your Immaculate Image", Sunday Apolytikium of Orthodoxy. Sound II, member P. Kiltzanidis (19th century)
19:41 - "Tῇ ὑπερμαχῳ" Argosintomo. Ichos pl.d', member of Georgios Raidestenos II (+1889)
25:42 - "Beauty". Ihos c', member of Khourmouzi Hartofylakos (+1840)
28:49 - "Let my prayer be directed" Th.L. of the Consecrated Gifts. Sound pl.a', member D.Sourlanzis (+2006)
30:01 - "Now the Powers", Cherubic Th.L. of the Consecrated Gifts. Ihos pl.b', member Th. Stanitsa (20th century)
37:08 - "Taste and see", Social Th.L. of the Consecrated Gifts. Ihos a', member of Ioannou Kladas (14th century)
42:28 - "Lord of Hosts", Troparion of the Great Supper. Sound pl.b', member of Petros Lampadarios (+1777)
45:02 - "Our Lady", Troparion of the Great Supper. Ichos II, member of Th. Stanitsa (20th century)
47:26 - "See we are working", Doxasticus of the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Sound 1, member of Petros Lampadario (+1777)
49:54 - "My soul, my soul", Kontakion of the Great Canon. Ihos pl.b', member of K. Prygos (20th century)
52:49 - "Tὴn psichofelῆ, fulrantes Tessarakostein", Idiomello of the Saturday Vespers of Lazarus. Ihos pl.d', member member of Petros Lampadarios (+1777)
54:07 - "The Common Resurrection", Apolytypic Saturday of Lazarus. Ihos a', member P. Kiltzanidis (19th century)

Greek Hymns of Great Lent Orthodox Chant
Ελληνικοί Ύμνοι της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής Ορθόδοξος Ψαλμός
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