Revealing Emails: Holden Thorp's Fawning Relationship with Fauci

1 year ago

(S2171) Holden Thorp is the editor in chief of the Science family of journals. He is a man few have ever heard of but that makes him no less dangerous. He is a gatekeeper of what can and cannot be said about things like Covid and some of his emails to Anthony Fauci were just released after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to get them.

And they are absolutely shocking. In message after message, Thorp – who was supposed to represent journalism and hold government accountable – sycophantically fawns all over Fauci.

In one message Thorp claims that Fauci and his wife were "the first family of science." In another message, Thorp asked Fauci to “tell us what it is like to be a bobble head and an action figure". In yet another message, Thorp asked Fauci to write something in Science Magazine for “legions of fans”. It could be “about whatever he wanted.”

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