The Final Revelation of Jesus Christ - Session 1

1 year ago

Several years ago, Pastor Doug Riggs gave a series of interviews with podcaster Georgeann Hughes posted on her website The ByteShow which I used to create the ByteShow Audio Page ( I then edited and created video versions of many of these podcasts and posted them on the Video Page ( Recently I decided to edit and condense more of these podcasts, and this is the first of an 8-part series of messages Doug gave that will have as much relevance today as they did those years back. Here are some notes from this session 1:
o “Revelation takes us beyond mere hearing to the realm of the unveiling. You must see by divine enablement – by divine illumination. And that is the key to revelation; it is seeing… The seeing will produce the manifestation, the shining forth of Christ.”
o “Seeing is the result of revelation.”
o Doug gives us the keys to understanding the Book of the Revelation. It’s a prophecy and describes what is and what is to come.
o Three categories that make up The Revelation: 1) the things you (John) have seen (Rev. 1); 2) the things which are (Rev. 2 - 3); 3) the things which must take place after these things (Rev. 4 – 22).
o Chapters 2 & 3 are not only historical at the time of the writing of The Revelation, but are a prophecy of the sequence of predominant distinct characteristics of the entire church age leading up to the rapture.
o God the Father through the Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us; the Lord Jesus Christ reveals the Father to us.
o “The measure in which we have the revelation of Jesus Christ will be the measure in which we’ve gone through unexplained suffering, unexplained ordeals and difficulties in life, that which is unfair.”
o The church that Jesus Christ is building is based upon the apostolic revelation of Jesus Christ and the proclamation of that revelation (Matt. 16:16- 17).
o We can’t be satisfied with hearing about God; we need to see who He is.
o We need the revelation of Jesus Christ IN us, not merely TO us – ‘That’s the core of genuine Christian experience and reality.”
o The key to understanding the pre-tribulation of the church is to understand the mystery given to the Apostle Paul directly from Jesus Christ. This understanding only comes by revelation by God (see Ephesians 1:16-21).
o The final revelation of Jesus Christ will be manifest in and through the church, His body:
o Phase 1: the day of visitation
o Phase 2: the Bema seat judgment
o Phase 3: the 2nd Advent
o Are we a people prepared for the Lord?
o John the Baptist prepared a way for the Lord – to clear a path so He could come.
o How? By getting a people ready; those with ears to hear, a people brought to a state of preparedness.
o There is a voice like that crying in the wilderness today.
o When it comes to communicating the things of God, we’re overloaded with entertainment.
o What is the Spirit saying to the church today with the revelation of Jesus Christ?
o “It’s the revelation that produces the manifestation – the appearing – both subjectively and ultimately to the entire world, and the universe.”
o Jesus “will always remain incomprehensible – and yet approachable.”
o “This God in the infinitude of His condescension, seeks fellowship. But we must be rightly related to Him through Jesus Christ.”

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