MSNBC - The Skull & Bones Connection [Interview W/ Alexandra Robbins]

1 year ago

Skull and Bones. Founded in the nineteenth century and housed in an ominous crypt like building referred to as "the Tomb," Skull and Bones secretly taps for membership a small number of Yale students each year. All are sworn to secrecy about what goes on inside the Tomb and about how powerful the organisation really is. Rumours abound. It has been said that Bones men (as its members are known) are so protective of the organisation's secrets that they must leave the room if the words skull and bones are uttered. It has been said that the Tomb contains stolen relics such as Geronimo's skull. It has been said that upon graduation from Yale each member is given a substantial sum of money with numerous strings attached. It has even been said that Skull and Bones is the dark heart of a secret world government. People point to a suspicious number of Bones men who have gone on to positions of power and influence, deserved or not, including George W. Bush; his father, George H. W. Bush; United States senators; CIA officials; cabinet members; and numerous heads of major international corporations." "Now, in Secrets of the Tomb, journalist Alexandra Robbins accomplishes what no one before her ever has. She has managed to get scores of Bones men to talk about what really happens inside the Tomb and exactly what influence the organisation truly wields. She reveals for the first time who has been a member and what that membership has meant. Robbins takes us inside the Tomb and onto Skull and Bones' private island. She exposes the organisation's secret initiation rites and dissects their true impact on world affairs.

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