The Hope Hotline | S01-E37 | 05-24-23

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Question #1
I have been watching your podcast and enjoy it, but I think you need to speed it up! In our family we do speed everything games, cards, etc. So, my question is can I come on your podcast and do a speed podcast with you? Maybe once a month we can do a bottom-line podcast?
Signed – Mystery Woman
PS – I have been going to your church for 3 years and love it!

Question #2
So many times I speak to people who don’t KNOW Jesus but “know of” Jesus. They believe there is a God and heaven, but don’t understand true salvation.
They usually say something like, “Oh yes, I know where I am going (heaven) because I am such a good person The Hope Hotline | S01-E36 | 05-19-23with a big heart.”

Can you please dive into this and explain why just being a good person isn’t getting us to heaven?

Question #3
I understand the Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Helper, Intermediary, etc. My question is are we supposed to talk to the Holy Spirit, are we supposed to thank Him, do we talk to Him like a person, or is He someone silent? How is our relationship with Him supposed to be? I've read and heard from other preachers; we should talk to Him and thank Him. I hope this makes sense. In that line of thought, I know we pray in the name of Jesus, but do we talk and pray to Jesus or just to God? I know they are 3 in 1 and is there a difference in who we pray to? I know the Lord's prayer says: "Our Father, who art in heaven" so it seems to me we pray to God only.

Question #4
It seems since I've been praying and believing for healing, I am getting attacked more and worse instead of better. I will keep believing and praying and working on my belief that it will happen. My question is: Can someone else pray for you and you get healed? Matthew 8:5-13 says, Jesus heals the soldier's servant based on the soldier's belief. This is where I am wondering if you can be healed through someone else's faith and belief.

Question #5
I am wondering how I can use common everyday situations (example: painting with other people) to talk about God to spread the good news of the Gospel.

Question #6
In John 5:14, what was the sin Jesus was referring to when He talked to the man He had healed?
PS. I love your new hair color! You always look fantastic! I can never watch live but always look forward to the replays!

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