Initiation Point

1 year ago

The Goddess grieves for their spirits but does not tolerate the child to be disobedient to the family. With the Crystal Soul Illumination she awakens from the deep sleep and sees who listens. The Goddess is the energy of the Heart that holds the doorway open for each soul to enter and move across the threshold and on the divine passage of oneness and enlightenment.

Identify with truth, power and light in faith and confidence that you are welcome into the heart of the goddess inspired and uplifted by the divine central light of source. Into alignment you are brought forth and your body is a house of light and your heart is the home of love. All that you see, feel and hear is for the greater good. Here you are in the ever presence of the one in the omniscience of the now. Move into harmony and relax as the crystalline waves of light radiate into your bodies raising your vibrations and accelerating the frequencies you receive. Darkness leaves easily as the higher frequencies of love and light open doorways you were not able to feel or see before.

In the illusion of being in linear time the polarities of good and bad are judged from perspectives learned through experience. Experiences have shaped your reactions and behavior as you were taught to expect and predict the future from the past. From events and situations in memory and history you have created a residue of karmic energy that forms around thoughts to create feelings that are solidified into judgment that manifest. The predicted manifestations become barriers to change as the judgments ensnare your mind to respond, react, expect, worry and fear the future rather than experience and become the joy of each infinite moment.

In awakening with the illumination of energy the power of the flow of the waves of truth bring the power to disperse the bubbles of individual consciousness and remove the scar tissue of stagnated feelings that have covered over sensitivity. With radiant illuminating telepathic soul contact the heart of the goddess softly allows her children to receive deep, touching, fulfilling, soulful clairsentient empathy. This unfathomable meaningful heartfelt joy gives all a pure clear enlightenment of the oneness of humanity with all beings of the earth and the universe.

The song of creation sings endlessly as now the power of night allows for the Light of the Sun of the Golden Age to rise and be worshiped in peace and everlasting happiness. Fulfillment cascades into human spirits with fountains of feelings, abundant realizations of the crystal soul illumination that comes on the clear new rays and waves of truth.

Know well you are wayshowers who show the way to those who have not understood the messages from within. You are teachers who speak from example, walk the path and are the creators of the Golden Age. Forgive each judgment by sending the waves of truth to disperse and release the barriers. The Crystal Light shines from the Central Heart of the Gold Ring and directs the path of source. Ask that crystal divine light be manifested in the Heart of the ones where judgment holds power and ask that it be done with sensitive focus and tremendous energy. Use your heart to transmit this radiant stream on behalf of humanity for the good of the planet and the galaxy to those individuals who are empowered to act in positions of leadership.

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