TheDimNews LIVE: DeSantis to Run for President | Daily Wire Moving Shows to Twitter | Durham Report

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.

Watch tomorrow (Thursday) for TheDimStream. We'll be chatting about Rick & Morty season 5 and Suzume, at 9:30 p.m. ET!

TheDimBooks read-along will be on Saturday, June 24th. Time TBD. Book is "Ready Player Two" by Ernest Cline.


lilghosty0 heyyyyyy

JQuickDraw 9:30, they should be starting shortly. lol JK

jbsx ?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Lift My Kilt Rock
lilghosty0 heyyyy
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the ginger is cucking her with another woman online currently
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ De santis looks like a paedo

JQuickDraw Finally, Ronny Boy can take the Oval Office, then he can start banning the gays and blacks, just like in Florida.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev is pregnant....

jbsx sounds like nerve agent

Guyinroom83 came in at just the right time. near-puke tales

Guyinroom83 that chocolate is a political test. you failed.

Guyinroom83 me too alex. ive walked out of coffee places for not having dark roast

RonGreen1 DeSaster is a little munchkin trying to be a full grown adult.

jbsx He's OK as a governor. He sucked as a congressman
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Only liking dark roast is just racist.

JQuickDraw It's funny watching Trump fans losing their shit because DeSantis is the new fresh thing on the right.

jbsx no actually, he's not

RonGreen1 It will take lampposts and rope to change Congress.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ JFK tried it

JQuickDraw He is to the media that are taking notice of him now that he's spanking Disney.

jbsx He's pushed up to the media by the bush family and their donors.

jbsx He's not doing that great against disney

RonGreen1 There are few problems that can not be solved with the proper application of high explosives.

jbsx he's letting allot of things down here slip through

jbsx Hell, he even had to be yelled at to allow Americans to get off cruise ships during covid crap

Guyinroom83 @jbsx but trump was totally pro covid clamp downs

Guyinroom83 @jbsx he seemed like the best gov during covid, out of all states, to me

jbsx no, not really. You have to look at all the events and people driving things at that time

jbsx like the hydroxy chloriquine crap the media fought against him with

RonGreen1 Government funded is a misnomer. It's citizen funded.

jbsx like fauchi who was the highest paid gov. person telling him lies

jbsx best covid gov? He wanted lock downs. The legislature refused to allow it

jbsx were arguing over the worth of desantis as a pres. candidate, not over trump vs desantis

Guyinroom83 florida got out of lock down quick, and stayed out...

JQuickDraw I'm not claiming whether he's doing well or not, just enjoying how Trump fans are butt hurt that he's the new young buck lightning rod, drawing the ire of the media.

jbsx thanks to the legislature down here

jbsx Tim Scott is the new thing in S.C.

jbsx Nicki Hailly is the new thing in N.C.

jbsx Kari Lake is the new thing VP ofor trump thing
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Vote for Nadar 2024

jbsx lots of nader

Guyinroom83 sam bankman fried 2024.

jbsx he's got the money for it

RonGreen1 DeSantis is not tall enough to go on the rides at Disney.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ damn jews lol

Guyinroom83 same

JQuickDraw Neither is Ron Paul, and I would take him over anyone since he ran, not even close. And Disney is just a shit company.

jbsx Do taxes go to pay for the school?

jbsx you know it's because trump got stuff passed to allow the money to follow the kid

RonGreen1 Education ran downhill once the government got involved.

jbsx $6500 per kid

AlexofAllTrades Moderator AZ started school choice in 1995.

Guyinroom83 Beverly's town has 35 total population. and one school, and only one teacher. and one cop.

jbsx is the one cop in the school?

Guyinroom83 @jbsx yes. he's the teacher also

Guyinroom83 my friends a teacher and says that all the time. we failed kids

jbsx And what am I supposed to do here in FL, where I dont have a kid in school but the schools are funded from my property taxes???

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Tell them you want the AZ system of giving your state taxes to a charity of your choice.

Guyinroom83 school admin comes down on teachers if students dont do well, so teachers inflate grades over and over or just never fail students

jbsx no, than they'll say good idea and charge more taxes rather than move where it goes around

AlexofAllTrades Moderator "I don't want solutions." 🤣

jbsx I did live in AZ for 2 years, in Tucson. 93 and 94 at davis monthan
ChristeeQuilter No Desantis. Yes Trump.

JQuickDraw I hope the Dems run Newsom, then we'll have a super hero battle in the primaries. Captain Warpspeed vs DeathSantis on the right, and Patrick Bateman vs Kamala the English Language Butcher on the left.

Guyinroom83 plane....arium.

RonGreen1 Put Joe Arpaio in charge of education.

jbsx the dems will prob run Mike obama

Guyinroom83 secret transition closets are fine though

JQuickDraw lol When I would see the cover of her book back in the day, "Becoming - Michelle Obama," I would picture her transforming into a werewolf. Now with the trans-mania, it makes more sense.

jbsx 👍️

Qriist Supporter I never studied. Or did homework. Kept aceing tests. Passed pretty much every grade on that alone.

Qriist Supporter (barely. lol.)

JQuickDraw I have an ability to memorize, so I coasted through high school just memorizing the stuff in the books right when I got home, and then would go out and play ball all night.

RonGreen1 Can I be the mayor of this community?

Qriist Supporter Oh no, my grades were mostly Fs. It was more of an administrative bump.

Qriist Supporter "Without geese, who would build the roads?" -Beverly

Guyinroom83 you guys bragging about good grades with no effort, I'm looking at both of your school records right now and that is not checking out. fyi.

JQuickDraw @RonGreen1 lol sure you can be the mayor of a mostly anarchist crew of rebels and hooligans.

Qriist Supporter >"bragging" >"mostly Fs" ... kek

Guyinroom83 those 3 hour lecture classes were a complete waste of money and time. most of the ones I had would just show powerpoint slides

RonGreen1 Rebels and hooligans are my kind of people.😂

JQuickDraw To quote that wise sage Groucho of Marx, "I won't belong to any organization that would have me as a member."

RonGreen1 Memorizing? Where the hell did I put my keys?

jbsx I'll buy that for a dollar

JQuickDraw Don't give a damn bout my bad reputation.

Guyinroom83 I heard somewhere that you should be in the same 'state' when taking a test as when you studied for it. like if you were tired studying, you should also be tired taking the test

RonGreen1 Eating was my favorite class.

Qriist Supporter Musk had been talking about longform content for months.

JQuickDraw What if you studied for the test tweaking on meth? "Hey I passed the test with a perfect score, but I have no memory of even being there. And I really don't remember chewing the prof's face off."

Guyinroom83 @JQuick yeah, I think the answer would be, yes, be tweaking if you studied while tweaking on meth. not sure where I heard this method though. it seems extremely stupid

Qriist Supporter Twitter DOES have the feature to double speed them

Qriist Supporter I watched Matt Walsh's video on 2x on Twitter last night.

JQuickDraw Taking Bad - He took tests, then he took lives.

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Maybe not on mobile then.

Qriist Supporter oh, I never use the app lol

Guyinroom83 i 'listen' to a lot of podcasts that are on youtube while playing games or doing other stuff (like working)

Guyinroom83 @JQuick (movie poster pic of a bloody pencil filling out a scantron)

Guyinroom83 i guess it's because I just don't watch tv shows anymore

Guyinroom83 yeah same. i never watch a video for an article

Qriist Supporter work it!

Guyinroom83 serious question: do kids now even use pencils or pens to take tests? Is it all digital?

RonGreen1 Alex is the person that writes those warning labels for plastic bags.

JQuickDraw Lately when I search for computer trouble shooting answers, the first 5 or 6 results will be videos. I *HATE* this. Usually the answer takes two or three sentences. I don't need a 10min video.

jbsx wasn't me

Qriist Supporter I would never watch two women do a livestream.

Guyinroom83 @Qri same here. blech.

Guyinroom83 'writing? what's that like a sex thing?' - gen z kid

TunedToKey Howdy frens

TunedToKey I know, I'm late, was streaming on Twitch and ended a little bit ago

RonGreen1 Village chief? Would I have to wear feathers?

TunedToKey Tripe goes in tacos

Guyinroom83 cow head?

jbsx cow head is better than pig face

TunedToKey Pig face is definitely better, YOU'RE WRONG

TunedToKey Pork butt is actually the shoulder

Qriist Supporter FACE RUMP

RonGreen1 Those hole in the wall Mexican restaurants have that real Mexican cuisine.

Guyinroom83 pig peen

jbsx yes

Guyinroom83 enough of using 'trafficked' for things other than human or sex

Qriist Supporter yup! was at porcfest. I remember because you actually yelled it out loud on the street. lol.

Qriist Supporter would be nice to get some indictments

Qriist Supporter corruption needs to be handled

Guyinroom83 it doesn't ever get admitted by the left either, so it really has no impact at all

Guyinroom83 at this point i'd be shocked if anyone on the left gets in trouble, ever, for anything

Qriist Supporter Congress concluded the CIA shot JFK.

Qriist Supporter No really.

Guyinroom83 everyone is locked into their own little online silo's now. they see only their own side

Guyinroom83 yep. jan 6 and patriot front are insanely obvious psyops
ClearComm2A didnt RFK want to abolish the CIA ?

Guyinroom83 @Clear yeah, but he won't ever get elected

jbsx hey...know that all the illegals are here, a mexican volcano is erupting

Qriist Supporter that video of Horns reading the tweets was already around, yes.
ClearComm2A not Jr, Sr

Guyinroom83 lol, Horns
yourmomgay00000 illegals in my yard
ClearComm2A so the cia knocked him off

RonGreen1 The CIA was created to be a clearinghouse for all the other intelligence agencies, because they would not share information.

Guyinroom83 @Clear definitely.

Guyinroom83 that was soooo pathetic

Guyinroom83 the VAN MASSACREEEEE OF 2023
ClearComm2A want that why homeland security was created ?

JQuickDraw The attack on the whitehouse? You mean when Antifa was firebombing it?

Guyinroom83 cat trying to silence Alex right now

JQuickDraw Homeland security was created because they government always wants more power.

Qriist Supporter two nights ago

Guyinroom83 you mean the VANSURRECTION???


RonGreen1 I'm wondering if there actually wasn't a bomb in that truck, but it couldn't crash through the barrier.

Qriist Supporter @thedimside here is the discussion in discord

Guyinroom83 yep

Guyinroom83 minimize your own side, sensationalize the bad side
yourmomgay00000 kk

Guyinroom83 my brother actually wouldn't listen to me say that, and just kept talking about 'can you believe what the cops are doing to protestors'
yourmomgay00000 l
yourmomgay00000 l
yourmomgay00000 l
yourmomgay00000 l
yourmomgay00000 l

Guyinroom83 thats what i hated the most about summer 2020. the 'silence is violence', saying you HAVE to take their side or you're complicit
yourmomgay00000 bitch you are lazy
yourmomgay00000 joe biden
yourmomgay00000 joe biden
yourmomgay00000 joebiden
yourmomgay00000 joe biden

Guyinroom83 @your 😒
yourmomgay00000 bitch shut up wit yo bitch assss guy
yourmomgay00000 sex
yourmomgay00000 sex
yourmomgay00000 sex
yourmomgay00000 sex
yourmomgay00000 sex
yourmomgay00000 sex
yourmomgay00000 i like men

Guyinroom83 @yourmom winky?
yourmomgay00000 i like men
yourmomgay00000 i like men
yourmomgay00000 gay
yourmomgay00000 gay
yourmomgay00000 gay
yourmomgay00000 gay
yourmomgay00000 gay
yourmomgay00000 gay
yourmomgay00000 ahhhh no one cares
yourmomgay00000 ah
yourmomgay00000 ah
yourmomgay00000 ah
yourmomgay00000 ah
yourmomgay00000 ah

JQuickDraw your mom

JQuickDraw pom pom

JQuickDraw stomp stomp

JQuickDraw the yard yard

JQuickDraw quite peculiar

JQuickDraw Ferris Beuler

Qriist Supporter Alex out here quacking.

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 time out chair

Guyinroom83 seems like that was a little kid almost

JQuickDraw You can be insulting, just don't be schizophrenic.

jbsx you can be insulting, just dont be 10

Guyinroom83 i did wonder if someone trolled and changed their name

Guyinroom83 true

RonGreen1 Butt fornication clothes for children. F Target.

Qriist Supporter I was at Target the other day. I randomly saw a book on an end-aisle display aimed at kids, called "The Night Before Pride". Was not pleased.

BlueCollarRay The mouse is going down as well

JQuickDraw It's amazing the suits and bean counters at these companies believed the woke true believers. How could anyone think this stuff is what most Americans want?

Guyinroom83 i cant wait, if people actually start boycotting for real. hilarious

Guyinroom83 these CEO's likely have no clue, at all, what their DEI department's are even doing, let alone do they care, until now

Guyinroom83 women seem to only drink those hard seltzers now, and a lot of younger people too

JQuickDraw Don't forget energy drinks

BlueCollarRay Yea I get it,piss poor quality too

Guyinroom83 totally agree. it has to be good enough to wanna watch that much of a show, and most shows aren't that good

Guyinroom83 so now, i just wait until I heard a show's been good for a few seasons or so before bothering

Guyinroom83 NO SPOILERS

Qriist Supporter WHERE'S EPONA?

Guyinroom83 yea, i wouldnt care about having the same horse. a horse is a horse.

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Roach

BlueCollarRay of course

JQuickDraw of course

Guyinroom83 yeah, Roach is better than pongo

Guyinroom83 i liked how the guy talked to the horse in red dead 2. link doesn't say shit to his horse, (or to anyone)

Guyinroom83 yeah, he makes asian anime noises

RonGreen1 Never ride a horse named Buck.

Qriist Supporter I mean, Pongo catching on fire just means you don't have to cook a meal after the battle.

Guyinroom83 the bank was in the UK? did they name it

Guyinroom83 they are pretty middle of the road especially for anti woke content

Guyinroom83 'on our banking journey' why speak like a instagram influencer

Qriist Supporter yeeep

Guyinroom83 what was the drama with him? about unsafe space? i never heard about that

Qriist Supporter it's a long story

Guyinroom83 yeah he seems to really react strongly. like with the matt walsh stuff recently

Guyinroom83 weird

Guyinroom83 yeah. walsh's abortion stance for one

Guyinroom83 I used to do that all the time too, Face rump (Erly) even actors etc, and then I'd be stunned when they said stupid shit in public. Now I assume they're all brain dead

Guyinroom83 there have been one or two things AOC like, randomly supported or argued for that I happened to agree with. But I just honestly don't think she means anything she does, it was just random

Qriist Supporter Single issue bills need to be a mandatory part of passing laws.

JQuickDraw And if any part of a bill is unconstitutional, the entire bill is immediately rejected.

Qriist Supporter DIS BITCH

Guyinroom83 taylor 'forever 38 or 39' lorenz

Qriist Supporter "When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination." -Thomas Sowell

RonGreen1 I only use twitter to look at the police and fire calls. I had to create a different account after getting banned.

Guyinroom83 wow, great quote

RonGreen1 Getting banned from twitter is a badge of honor.

Qriist Supporter "Where's the Twitter Twats button?" ... Even Beverly can't find the man in the canoe.

RonGreen1 Robert Byrd

Qriist Supporter I'm not a fan of MLK Jr. Not a good dude.

JQuickDraw Cruz would have been too busy covering up the Kennedy assassination.

Guyinroom83 ultra maga forces.

Guyinroom83 they're out there... always. in the darkness, when you're not looking. under your bed.

Guyinroom83 lmao, i love the ultra maga shit. a vague, mysterious 'force' out there

JQuickDraw DeSantis is Trump's main rival for the 2024 Repub nomination, but somehow he's also MAGA.

RonGreen1 Epstein Island is now open for tourists

Guyinroom83 that reminds me of a great scene in mad men. the men are all getting awards talking about the hours they put in, and their wives are there looking miserable during it, showing the toll it took

JQuickDraw They should make Epstein's island into a murder mystery adventure. Get someone to play Epstein, and each week he's murdered in a different way, and the guests pay to stay there and solve the murder.

JQuickDraw Plot twist, each week it turns out he killed himself.

Egerog We had a long tough conversation with our 9 year old who wants to be a mom and a doctor. reality is she will be in her 30s before she is free to hav

Egerog kids

Guyinroom83 yep

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Mike Rowe also is the narrator of How the Universe Works. Excellent series

RonGreen1 When you're going to work and wish you were that guy sleeping on a park bench, it's time to find a new job.

Qriist Supporter It's never too late for me to become a woman. 💅

Qriist Supporter We waz Twatz and sheet.

Kronos7 DeSantis to Run for President? HA, HA, Ha, Ron Has Not A Snowballs Chance In Hell Against TRUMP Nor Do Any Of The Other So Called Candidates This Will Be A Blood Bath As Trump Get Nominated Over All.


Egerog Carter for president

Kronos7 MAGA 2024

JQuickDraw It's title case, it's the title of a longer essay about how great Trump is.

Qriist Supporter Capitalizing every word in text is a sign of dyslexia.

Kronos7 Boycott TARGET

JQuickDraw Trump needs to win me back by showing he will support 2A. His new tagline should be MAGDUMP 2024.

Egerog Have you ever played shadowrun?

Kronos7 Starting Day One

JQuickDraw Shadowrun, that's the hybrid sci-fi fantasy game with the character that looks like Rutger Hauer in sunglasses, right?

JQuickDraw It was a nintendo game first I think, then an RPG

Kronos7 JQuickDraw, Stay In Mommy's Basement And Play Games LOL.

Egerog I was thinking TTRPG

Kronos7 I'm Out Of Here LOL....

JQuickDraw I have the RPG. I have a lot of RPGs, even obscure ones from the 70s and 80s. It's a hobby.

JQuickDraw @Kronos7 Captain Warpspeed, up up and away

Egerog Alexopoulos drew up a western comic for Razorfist

JQuickDraw But Matt Walsh said video games were of the devil lol

JQuickDraw Are you still around, @Kronos7 ? I really wanted to play.

JQuickDraw Some people who want to "ban guns" don't think through their logic. It seems they think literally all guns will be eliminated, everywhere, no exceptions.

Qriist Supporter Arm the students again. They should have never been disarmed.

RonGreen1 Gun rights are human rights.

Qriist Supporter She's a urinalist.

Qriist Supporter hahaha she ninja'd me

Qriist Supporter she KNEW I was typing

JQuickDraw Tomorrow on TheDimBoobs...

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Alex's Rumble -

JQuickDraw Beverly and Alex keep you abreast of the news.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Alex's Stripe for Donations -

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Youtube is a communist hell hole

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations -

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Darkest Dungeon is interesting to watch

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Good narration and odd but cool graphics

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Guilded -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Alex's Discord -

RonGreen1 "Die bitch" is not YouTube friendly.😂

Egerog Alex have you ever played No Mans SKy

JQuickDraw Just call your stream a drag show for kids, and you'll be able to say anything.

Qriist Supporter I HAVE BURRITOS

Qriist Supporter THAT IS ALL

Egerog Sean Murray, redeemed his company over the years improving the game

Egerog hit the like button

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Give the stream a LIKE. It really helps promote the channel and remember to FOLLOW

JQuickDraw Great Stream Ladies, Kronos Taught Us Well

Qriist Supporter niiiight

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ And @AlexofAllTrades

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Bye

RonGreen1 Gnite all 👋

JQuickDraw Guess it's not that memorable for Erly lol

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Thank you, everyone!

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User 🌈

JQuickDraw :r+leotoast:

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