346 These Be The Days of Vengeance (Luke 21:20-24) 1 of 2

11 months ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) The Communist city of Boston lost a suit brought by a Christian when they refused to fly his Christian flag simply because it was Christian. Boston agreed to settle and to pay $2.1 million to pay Liberty Counsel for costs of representation. (2) The Communist Biden administrations attempt to force physicians to mutilate and abuse children with mastectomies, chemical castrations, etc., in sex-change procedures and medications was BLOCKED by a federal court. (3) World religious, economic and political leaders gathered in the Sinai Peninsula to call for a "revival" of pagan earth worship in the name of "climate change".

In our study, Jesus provides instructions and warning about the coming 70 AD destruction of the Temple while also prophesying the 2,000 year "days of vengeance" upon Israel for their apostasy and rejection of Him as Messiah.

We will see the big picture of Israel's diaspora and end times regathering that we are seeing "in process" right now from the words of Jeremiah, Hosea and the apostle Paul.

Also Reference: Romans 11:22-27, Jeremiah 31:35-40, Jeremiah<br /> 16:14-18, Hosea 6:1-3 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.


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